Interior Design Tips

Attract Prosperity with the Power of a Crystal Tortoise in Your Home!

By - November 14, 2024

In recent years, concepts of mindfulness and healing have come to the forefront. Those of us who believe in ancient sciences like Vastu Shastra are looking to tune into natural ways of living, harnessing the energies of nature to live a positive life. We look for tools that help to restore balance and ‘ground’ our energy, helping to promote peace and relaxation, so that we can have better lives. 

One such tool is the crystal tortoise, considered by proponents of both Vastu and Feng shui to bring an abundance of positive goodness into your environment. The healing power of crystals has for decades been highly regarded by mystics, and crystal tortoises are believed to take this healing energy to a different level altogether. The tortoise is an animal that lives long — most tortoise species can live up to 150 years — and, as such, is a symbol of protection and stability. Feng shui crystal tortoises combine the energy of crystals with that of the tortoise, a symbol of longevity and wisdom.

In this blog, we’ll explore the symbolism and practical applications of crystal tortoises for good luck, wealth and abundance in your home and your office. Read on to know more!

or centuries, crystal tortoises have always held a special place among symbols associated with wealth and abundance. Here’s why these enchanting creatures are considered to be your best friend in attracting prosperity:

  • Longevity and perseverance:

Tortoises are revered for their incredibly long lifespans. In many cultures, they represent steadfast determination and the ability to overcome challenges. This symbolism translates to the financial realm, suggesting that a crystal tortoise can bring long-term financial security and the perseverance needed to achieve your wealth goals.

  • Stability and grounding:  

The tortoise’s sturdy shell represents a foundation of stability.  In the world of finance, this speaks to a sense of security and a solid base for building wealth.  A crystal tortoise is believed to promote grounded decision-making and guard against financial instability.

  • Flow and opportunity:  

The element of water is often associated with wealth and abundance.  Many cultures see the tortoise as a creature closely connected to water due to its aquatic habitat.  A crystal tortoise can symbolise the flow of wealth and the opening of doors to new opportunities that bring prosperity.

  • Crystal amplification:  

When combined with the symbolism of the tortoise, crystals further enhance the power to attract wealth.  Citrine, for example, is known as the “Success Stone,” while jade is believed to bring prosperity to business ventures.  Choosing a crystal that resonates with your intentions adds an extra layer of potency to your crystal tortoise.

When you place your crystal tortoise with a clear goal of attracting wealth or overcoming financial hurdles, you set a powerful intention into motion. This focused energy can guide your actions and decisions towards achieving your goals.

Crystal Tortoise: Vastu Benefits

Crystal Tortoise: Vastu Benefits

In Vastu Shastra, a crystal tortoise is a powerful tool for attracting wealth, stability, and removing obstacles to prosperity. Here’s the lowdown on its key Vastu benefits:

  • It promotes financial stability:  The tortoise’s slow and steady movement symbolises a gradual and sustainable increase in wealth. This tool is believed to help overcome financial difficulties and establish financial security.
  • It is a magnet for wealth and abundance:  The north direction in Vastu is ruled by Lord Kubera, the god of wealth. Placing a crystal tortoise in the north sector of your home or office is said to attract his blessings and promote financial prosperity.
  • It removes Vastu Dosha:  Vastu dosha refers to energy imbalances within a space. A crystal tortoise is believed to help rectify these imbalances and create a harmonious flow of energy that can be conducive to financial success.
  • It brings overall prosperity:  Beyond just wealth, your crystal tortoise is said to bring overall well-being and good fortune. This can include success in business ventures, career advancement, and a sense of security and stability in life.

It is said that everything begins in the mind! To get the most potent benefits, you should completely believe in the power of your crystal tortoise to turn your life around. Positive thoughts attract positive experiences, and by focusing on the prosperity and abundance the crystal tortoise promises, you will prime your mind for success and open yourself up to a world of opportunities.

Different types of Crystal Tortoises and their Unique Properties for Attracting Prosperity

Crystals are naturally occurring stones with characteristics that are scientifically proven to affect the flow of energy. Crystal therapy uses these powers to affect the vibrations and mindset of the human body, allowing healing to take place.

Different stones have different wavelengths, and are said to ‘hold’ energies at positive levels, while they repel energies at negative levels. Let’s take a look at different types of crystal tortoises, and the unique properties they hold to attract prosperity!

Citrine Tortoise

Citrine Tortoise

This lovely yellow stone radiates positivity and happiness, and is called the ‘success stone’ as it is believed to promote good fortune in all aspects of life. Citrine holds the energy of the sun, and is known for its transformative energy that energises and creates. It also dissipates negativity and has a protective aura.

Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra, giving you courage and confidence. A citrine tortoise will help to attract abundance, wealth and good luck.

Pyrite Tortoise

Pyrite Tortoise

This glittering stone resembles gold, earning it the sobriquet of ‘Fool’s Gold’! This stone has powerful metaphysical properties and is said to protect the environment from all forms of negative energy. It acts as a shield and works at physical, etheric and emotional levels to safeguard your spaces against all types of bad vibrations. Pyrite has a deep alignment with both the solar plexus and sacral chakras and clears away any blockages in these zones.

A pyrite tortoise will give you strength and leadership skills, empowering you to reach your full potential. It also stimulates the intellect, inspires confidence, and enhances self-esteem. For this reason, many people like to keep a tortoise made of this beautiful crystal in their offices.

Amethyst Tortoise

Amethyst Tortoise

Amethyst is said to have a highly calming and soothing energy, that helps to balance your emotions and bring you back to your spiritual core. This gorgeous purple stone has a glassy lustre and connects you with your divine inner self. It is associated with a crystal-clear mind, deep introspection, and a solid sense of control and purpose in all that you do. This stone is associated with the crown chakra, and activates the Third Eye which, in spiritual terms, moves you into a higher and more powerful state of being.

Made out of one of the most beautiful crystal quartzes in the world, an amethyst tortoise helps you to stay level headed and have clarity of mind and thought.

Jade Tortoise

Jade Tortoise

Closely associated with the heart chakra, this deep green stone is cherished for its powerful metaphysical properties. It is believed to promote self-love, increase self-sufficiency, and reduce stress and anxiety. As a healing crystal, it evokes feelings of calm, grounding and refreshing your entire being.

As a symbol of growth and prosperity, a jade tortoise is believed to attract wealth and success in business ventures.

Where Can You Place Your Crystal Tortoise to Get the Maximum Benefit?

Where Can You Place Your Crystal Tortoise to Get the Maximum Benefit?

The placement of your crystal tortoise plays a key role in harnessing its Vastu power to attract prosperity. Here’s a breakdown of the ideal directions for your home and office:

Which Direction Should Your Crystal Tortoise Face in Your Home?

North Sector: According to Vastu, the north sector governs wealth and is ruled by Lord Kubera, the god of wealth. Placing your crystal tortoise facing north in this sector is considered the most auspicious for attracting financial abundance.

Southwest Zone:  This zone is associated with overall prosperity and stability. If the north sector isn’t possible due to space constraints, the southwest zone is a great alternative for your crystal tortoise.

Direction of the Head: The position of the head is considered to be very important. If the tortoise faces the east, it is said to bring health and vitality. The south direction is associated with fame and recognition, while the north direction promotes career advancement. Facing West is believed to attract creativity and offer protection to children. If you’re looking to nurture creativity or enhance the well-being of children in your home, consider placing your crystal tortoise facing the west.

Which Direction Should Your Crystal Tortoise Face in Your Office?

North Direction:  Just like in your home, the north direction in your office represents career growth, success, and financial prosperity.  Position your crystal tortoise facing this direction in your office to attract wealth and positive opportunities in your work life.

Southeast Direction:  The southeast zone symbolises prosperity and abundance in business endeavours. Facing your crystal tortoise southeast on your desk can be particularly beneficial for those involved in entrepreneurship or sales.

If the crystal tortoise is kept facing the entrance, it acts as a protector, dispelling negative energies and creating harmony within your room.

It’s important that the area around the tortoise is clean and free of clutter. This allows the energy to flow freely and enhances the tortoise’s effectiveness.

Here’s How to Cleanse and Recharge your Crystal Tortoise

Here’s How to Cleanse and Recharge your Crystal Tortoise

Dust and dirt represent negativity, and you should always keep your tortoises clean and sparkling at all times. Here’s how to cleanse and recharge your crystal tortoise:

First, rinse it under lukewarm, running water for a few minutes. Make sure the water is not hard, as hard water contains minerals that will affect the crystal’s purity. While you do this, visualise any negativity or built-up energy being washed away under the flowing water. 

You can also use other cleansing methods like smudging with sage smoke or placing it on a bed of sea salt for a few hours. Just remove the salt afterwards and rinse with clean water.

Crystals absorb energy, so it’s important to recharge your tortoise regularly. The simplest method is to place it in moonlight for several hours. The full moon is considered the most potent, but any moonlight period will work. You can also recharge it on a bed of clear quartz crystals or in a sacred space in your home for at least 24 hours. Selenite is a powerful cleansing crystal that can recharge your crystal tortoise and remove any built-up negativity.

Be the Change You Want to See!

We live in turbulent times, where stress levels are at all-time highs, and financial worries can be a huge source of anxiety. A tortoise that’s imbued with the healing power of crystals can be a source of comfort and a reminder of your own strength and ability to navigate challenges. 

The most potent power is within you! A shift in perspective may be all that you need to ignite a positive transformation. If you believe in the energy of crystals, you could channel this power into the flow of wealth, alleviating your worries around money. 

So, welcome a crystal tortoise into your home, set your intentions, and watch as you attract the prosperity and abundance you deserve! Need help? Get in touch with HomeLane today! 


How to choose a crystal tortoise for Vastu purposes?

Choose a crystal tortoise made from a natural crystal that resonates with you. Citrine for success, pyrite for wealth attraction, amethyst for clear financial decisions, or jade for business prosperity are all good options.

Trust your gut feeling! Pick a tortoise that you find aesthetically pleasing and one that evokes a sense of abundance when you hold it.

Is it required to place the crystal tortoise on a plate?

A plate can provide a stable base, but it’s not essential. You can place the tortoise directly on a shelf, desk, or any flat surface.

Can I place my crystal tortoise in the water?

While tortoises are associated with water, it is not required to place your crystal tortoise in water. Prolonged submersion can damage some crystals, which will actually have the opposite effect on your intention.

Can I combine multiple crystal tortoises for enhanced prosperity?

Yes, but choose wisely! Combine crystals with complementary properties in the same space. For example, pair citrine (abundance) with amethyst (clarity) to attract wealth while making sound financial decisions.

It’s important to avoid overcrowding; too many tortoises in the same space can create energetic clutter.


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