Hacks and Ideas

When Is It Time to Renovate Your Home?

By - March 03, 2022

Renovating a home is anything but easy. But if your walls have started to develop tiny spider cracks, the bathroom tiles leak, and your flooring has seen better days, it’s high time you consider a complete home makeover! 

Not only will a remodel spruce up your home and add comfort and functionality, but it can also get you some serious savings on energy costs. Not to mention it will raise the value of your property, if ever you want to consider selling it! So, is it time to remodel your home? Consider these questions:

  • Are you running up huge electricity bills due to outdated appliances and poor wiring?
  • Is there any dampness on the walls or ceiling?
  • Are your bathroom tiles outdated, and are the fixtures just looking sad?
  • Are your furniture and cabinetry ancient and creaking at the hinges?
  • Is your home just too big for you, and do you want to downsize? Or, is it too small, and would you like to add more space?

If you answered yes to all or any of these questions, then it’s definitely time for an upgrade! 

Here’s a roadmap for a home renovation that will help you plan ahead.

home renovation tips

Start With the Big Changes First!

Want to create an open plan home, and open up the kitchen, living and dining walls? Open-plan homes create light and clean, well-connected spaces. By removing walls, you can brighten up small, dark rooms and create a feeling of spaciousness. 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that this might call for structural changes, and you will need to call in an architect or a structural engineer who can tell you what’s possible and what’s not. If you’re removing an entire wall, you will need to add structural support in the form of a beam. The flooring will need to be redone as well. 

All this involves quite a bit of expense, so you should plan the work around your budget. 

Redo the Electricals

Faulty electrical work or old wiring can cause electric shocks, or still worse, short circuits and fires. Even if everything seems to be fine, if your home is two decades old, it’s time to swap out the wiring. What with all the new gadgets and appliances you have bought over the years, you might be putting more demands on the electrical systems than was originally planned for.

Old homes are almost always underpowered, and circuits are controlled by fuses instead of circuit breakers. Get expert help, and plan ahead for all your needs. Before you redo the wiring, add new points and switches that are more functional, and can add comfort to your spaces. 

Read moreA Handy Checklist For Planning Electrical Points In Kitchen

electrical point renovation

Next Up! Take a Look at the Plumbing and Fix Leaks

Nothing lasts forever, and the pipes in your home are inevitably going to corrode, start to leak, or get clogged. Before a plumbing disaster forces your hand, it might be a good idea to redo all the plumbing and swap out old GI pipes for new, hassle-free PVC pipes.

While you are doing this, do make sure you renew the waterproofing as well, so that you’ll stay leak-free for the next few decades! If there are any damp spots on the walls or ceiling, they will need to be fixed with a waterproofing compound.

Replace the Windows

It’s a given that old windows have faulty latches or gaps in the frames, or simply don’t look good anymore. Aluminium or PVC windows are smart and stylish and can be fitted very easily. They are fire-resistant and keep noise and pollution at bay, which makes them a great option for a modern upgrade. Changing the windows will transform the look of your rooms, without really costing an arm and a leg.

Read More: Guide to the Different Types of Window Grill Designs

window panelling

Re-Tile Floors and Walls

Over the years, your floors are often the first to show their age, through wear and tear. Tile colours fade, tiling gets chipped, stained and discoloured. Bathroom wall tiles and kitchen backsplashes also need to be replaced when they start looking old, faded and dirty.

You can either opt to remove the existing floor and re-tile, or you can lay a new floor over the existing one. Vitrified tiles can quite easily be installed over an existing mosaic or marble floor, and putting down a wooden laminate floor on top of any tiled floor is very quick and easy.

floor renovations, wall renovation

Remodel the Kitchen

While your wooden cabinets and linoleum floors might have been all the rage in kitchen design a decade ago, today these elements are screaming to be replaced! Sleek contemporary styled kitchens have acrylic or high-gloss shutters, seamless glass backsplashes, and glitzy quartz countertops; not to mention a host of space-saving and ergonomically designed accessories that you’ll love to use.

When remodelling the kitchen, opt for new-age modular kitchen cabinetry that is a breeze to install and use. You’ll no longer have to cope with carpenters messing up your home; modular kitchens are factory crafted and can be fitted together at the site in just a couple of days.

kitchen remodelling

Upgrade the Furniture

Is your bed creaking, and do your dining table chairs shake? Is your study desk literally on its last leg? Unless it’s a prized antique, it’s time to go shopping for new furniture! While you’re doing this, do be mindful of the recycling and upcycling trend. Wherever possible, remodel existing furniture or give it a facelift to make it look new. The earth will thank you for it!

furniture upgrade

Increase Energy Efficiency

With power bills hitting the roof, you could take a look at installing solar panels on your roof, assuming you have enough space. The cost of installation will more than pay for itself over the years. What’s more, if you have excess power, you can give it back to the neighbourhood grid, and reduce your bills even further.

It’s also a good idea to do all you can to conserve precious water resources while you remodel your home. Fix dripping faucets, and install aerators that reduce the water outflow while increasing pressure.

Make your home a smart home!

If Alexa and Siri are your best friends, make them your helpers at home too. Smart home technology can make your home practically run itself. From high-tech security systems and motion-control sensors that turn the electricity off, to kitchen appliances that cook food from afar, your smart home can up your efficiency game in ways you never imagined possible.

smart home renovation

Seriously considering a home renovation, but worried about how to get started? Just pick up your phone and call the experts at HomeLane. From ideation to execution, we’re happy to handhold you all the way! 


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