Style Your Home

Game of Thrones’ Most Beloved Characters and Home Décor Style

By - April 13, 2016

Game of Thrones is one of the most highest-rated and highest-grossing television series in history! Season 6 of this popular TV shows air later in April 2016, but the fervour has already caught up with all the fans of the series. The debate over who will win the war and rule the Iron Throne is far from over. Fans are so inspired by the series that they are incorporating GOT in everyday life. And why not? We at HomeLane are inspired as well! Here’s our addition to the list of unsolved GoT mysteries: which of the central characters in the show has the most awesome/badass/inspiring home décor style?

Now since GRR Martin gave us no descriptions of the ‘homely’ side of these characters, we decided to imagine them and give you our spin of what we think it would be. So, here are six much-loved GoT characters and what we think their home-décor idea board consists of. Take a look!

Daenerys Targaryen aka Khaleesi

Since Dany is always trying to do the right thing and save her followers from harm, we imagine hers to be a thinker’s home. Touches of royalty everywhere, including her washroom that’s equipped with luxurious bathtub to lounge in and relax – She deserves it after all the ‘breaking chains’, strategizing and out-thinking others. Each room would be filled with the most exotic and beautiful collectables. Not to mention all the  Inspirational quotes on the walls from famous people, biographies and battle stories in the library, a large garden for her three dragons, and a bedroom that’s fit for a queen – that would be the sum of the Khaleesi’s home.

GOT inspired home

Tyrion Lannister aka The Imp

The imperious and infamous Imp is also one of the most well-read people in Westeros, and as such we believe his library would be one of the most well-stocked and comfortable places in this world. Think Louis XVI armchairs and vintage furnishings. He’s a Lannister after all, and he’s accustomed to luxury and a little over-indulgence. So, if you walk into his living room and see antique hand-woven floor carpets and leather-bound footstools everywhere, don’t be surprised.

Game of throne inspire home decor

John Snow aka The One Who Knows Nothing

There is no doubt that John loves the northern lands and all it’s ‘stark’ beauty. His position as chief at the Wall boasts of his resilient and formidable nature, and his connection with the direwolf Ghost speaks of his love for nature. So what better house for ‘the man who knows nothing’ than a Swedish-style cottage somewhere in the hills with his own man cave and lots of natural scenery about.

GOT inspired home decor

Sansa Stark aka The Princess Who’s Forced To Turn Evil

In the very first season of Game of Thrones, Sansa was the perennial romantic who had very childish notions of the world around her. Now though she has gone off to the darker side, it is the peppy princess Martin created whose home décor style we would love to steal. Without a doubt, pre-Littlefinger Sansa Stark would have lived in a Spanish villa with walls painted pink and red, floral printed upholstery, and lots of cushions and throw rugs. We can imagine her lounging in a love seat staring out at the sunset with her direwolf ‘Lady’ by her feet and penning poetic thoughts. If only Martin had seen that too!

Arya Stark aka The Water Dancer

Arya Stark stands out from the very first line that’s written about her. In a world where men rule, she sashays like a wild child, learning water dancing and seeking revenge.  If she were real, we would have given her a home that suited her tomboy, rebel-flower heart – a biker-chic home with spartan furniture, lots of warm, moody colours on the walls and blacks and browns everywhere. Eclectic is the name of the game for this girl, and with her spirited and edgy take on life, we know for sure she’ll make it work.

arya stark inspired home

Cersei Lannister aka The Angel of No-Mercy

She may be the devil incarnated in some ways, but one cannot deny that Cersei Lannister is a very well-crafted, multi-layered character. She is a loving mother, a proud Lannister, and in love with her grey side – she makes no bones about wanting what she wants. If she were to do up her home, we doubt it would just be one style. Complex as she is, her house too would be a menagerie of styles and influences – the one place where a tightly wound-up person like her can unwind in peace.

Cersei Lannister inspired room

Let us know what you think of our décor picks for these characters in your comments below! And if you have a favourite character who we missed out on, write in with what you think their home would look like. And don’t forget, if you are inspired by any of your favourite characters and would like some help doing your home interiors in their style, talk to HomeLane’s design experts today!


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