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14 Sexy Bedroom Décor Ideas You’ve Got to Try

By - September 05, 2021

A functional bedroom with faded paintwork and jaded furniture does tend to dampen the mood. Yes, a bedroom is for sleeping in, but let’s not forget that it’s also where you retreat with your partner for some intimacy.

You definitely need to give the vibe of your master bedroom interiors an overhaul if you want to make it all sensual and exciting. With these sexy bedroom décor ideas, you can reignite the spark in your relationship!

Go the whole hog; consider lacy canopy beds, mood lighting, rich bed covers, and glitzy artwork. Get the picture?

Let’s look at some sexy bedroom ideas that will get the fire in your blood roaring!

sexy bedroom decor ideas

Have the Basics Ready

To set the mood, you have to get down to the basics first. If your walls need a fresh coat of paint, go for it. You need not change the furniture; a coat of paint or polish can do wonders to spruce up a simple bedroom design.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of designing a sexy bed room!

Mood Lighting, the Only Way to Go!

Nothing can change the feel of a room quite like mood lights. Ceiling fixtures with dimmers are a must for a sexy bedroom. You can try some bedroom false ceiling designs with lights for this purpose.

Besides that, to add a sexy element, you can opt for a Venetian or Moroccan hanging lamp that throws sensual shadows on the walls.

Along the same lines, a metallic ceiling is just the thing you need for a sexy bedroom; the seductive glow of the accent lights from the ceiling will set the mood!

mood lighting for bedroom decor

A Dark and Mysterious Palette

Rich paint on bedroom walls adds to the sex appeal. Intense blues, rich greys, or dark browns will give a cosy vibe. However, go easy on the dark or vibrant colours if your space is small, as it can get claustrophobic.

One thing’s for sure, the dark, seductive colours for the bedroom will bring out your wild side!

With magnificent walls in dark tones, you need to stick to neutrals and earth tones for the furnishings and accessories of your sexy bedroom. Let the dark wall take centre stage!

dark colors for bedroom

It’s all About a Luxurious Look

Play with textures that are luxurious and lavish. A hot bed design with a brass bed frame, a decadent plush rug or sheepskin throws will elevate the sexy theme to the next level.

Satin sheets and monogrammed pillows add that extra oomph. While you’re at it, arrange some throw pillows on the bed for a luxurious feel.

Remember—luxury is sexy. So feel free to borrow from luxury bedroom designs.

luxurious bedroom designs

Titillate your Senses

Creating a sexy room that excites the senses is not tricky. Ensure there’s an element of comfort, be it with the satin sheets, the comfy couch, or the throw rug under your feet. The ambience of the mood lighting will do the rest.

For a finishing touch, light up some scented candles in your sexy bedroom—you won’t want to leave the comfort of your love nest!

mood lighting

The Wonder of Velvet

Nothing can compare to the touch of velvet on bare skin. It’s not only sensual but also oh, so exciting.

If you’re thinking of seductive bedroom designs, velvet is certainly a great choice. You can use it for throw pillows or even blankets to get in touch with the inner you!

velvet blanket and pillow ideas for bedroom

Personalise It

Surrounding yourself with memorabilia of your union is a great way to enhance the theme of your sexy bedroom.

This can be in the form of picture frames, sentimental mementoes or artefacts from your honeymoon—it’s sure to bring back memories of your time together.

personalisation in bedroom

Keep It Clutter-Free

A cluttered side table, unwashed laundry on the bed, or footwear lying around can be a downer. To make your bed room sexy, keep clutter to a minimum.

There’s nothing more depressing than unmade beds and sweaty clothes. So, make the bed first thing in the morning.

Find storage solutions for your stuff—woven baskets or elegant boxes to keep the space neat and clean. Such accessories come in extremely handy in a kids’ bedroom too!

clutter free bedroom ideas

Layer It with Colour

There’s nothing quite like layering to add pizzazz to your sexy bedroom. The grandeur of your room will increase with each layer of colour you use.

Inter-weave the dark tones with lighter shades of the same family, or be adventurous and opt for contrasts of pink and turquoise for an intriguing look.

While red-coloured walls may seem appealing, you don’t want your bedroom to look like a French bordello! So, constrain the use of red to sexy interior accents, like throw cushions or couch upholstery.

layering colors in bedroom

Keep It Minimalistic

Adding too many art pieces and sculptures to your space can get overpowering, giving your small bedroom design a busy look.

Since the bedroom is a place where you want to relax and enjoy some private time with your partner, a side table cluttered with curios will dampen the mood. So, resist the urge to pick up another artefact for your sexy bedroom.

minimalistic bedroom ideas

Harness the Invigorating Scent of Fresh Flowers

Rose petals give off an exuberant scent, perfect for sexy bedrooms. You can float candles in a bowl of water with rose petals thrown in.

You need not stop there; pull out all the stops and sprinkle some on the bed too. Mogra, with its intoxicating scent, works too!

flesh flower room ideas

Move the Family Photos to the Living Room

Let’s be honest; photos of your loved ones can distract you from enjoying intimacy with your partner. You wouldn’t want to accidentally glance at a photo frame of your parents while in action, would you?

There’s plenty of room for them in the living room, so they better not be part of your sexy room decoration. Instead, hang pictures that are conducive to romance. Even abstract paintings will work if they arouse passionate emotions in you.

family photos in living room

Use Soothing Elements to Get in the Mood

If there’s one thing that puts a damper on your sex life more than any other, it’s stress. So, incorporate elements in your sexy bedroom décor that help you relax and destress.

Identify things that have a calming effect. They could be as simple as a light white curtain, a fabric canopy, or an upholstered headboard. The idea is to turn your master bedroom interiors into a peaceful haven where you can rewind, rejuvenate, and improve your sex drive.

soothing elements for bedroom

Tuck the TV Away

Believe it or not, TVs are one of the biggest distractions from romance. Needless to say, they don’t belong in sexy bedrooms.

But if you’re averse to removing the beloved TV set from your bedroom, you can at least hide it from plain view. Tuck it in shelves or cabinets so it no longer remains the central focus in the bedroom.

Many modern bedroom designs incorporate TV unit designs for bedrooms with shutters or curtains, especially for this purpose. This way, the late-night shows won’t distract you from spending quality time with your better half.

remove tv for living room

Get a Large Mirror or Two

Mirrors have much to offer to improve a room’s aesthetic, especially for a sleek and sexy interior. For starters, they brighten dull corners in your bedroom by reflecting natural or artificial lights opposite them.

They also create an illusion of a larger space and are highly recommended in small bedroom designs. But most importantly, they provide multiple new ways for you and your partner to spice up the lovemaking.

large mirror for living room


Décorating a sexy bedroom can be quite an adventure. But there may be times when you start questioning yourself; have I overdone the accent colour? Is the Moroccan lamp too big?

When in doubt, it’s time to let the experts handle it. And HomeLane fits the bill perfectly! Whether you’re going for a simple bedroom design or a seductive bedroom design, HomeLane will help you get exactly what you want.


1. How Can I Make My Bedroom Sexy?

Designing a sexy bedroom is not always about extraordinary bedroom makeovers or spending a fortune. You’ll be surprised at the impact little tweaks can make.

Do you usually prefer pristine white bedsheets? Experiment with bright-coloured sheets to heighten your senses. Since red is the colour of passion, try incorporating it into your hot bedroom design.

Similarly, proper lighting and scents can work wonders in making your bed room sexy and arousing the mood. Also, don’t forget to eliminate distractions such as TVs or laptops that pull your focus from romance.

If you’re willing to go the extra mile to create a sexy bedroom, try incorporating the hot bedroom ideas listed above. They’ll completely change the vibe of your room for the better!


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