Buying Guides

Feng Shui Tips for Your Kitchen

By - May 01, 2022

Feng shui, the Chinese philosophy that balances the energy in our environment, redefines ancient wisdom for today’s world. It lays down core principles to help us align our lives around natural forces and live in harmony with the environment.

Feng shui practitioners believe that the layout of the spaces in our homes should be done in such a way that the energy flow is optimised. By changing our environment, we can change our lives for the better. Whether you’re looking for more abundance, healing of past trauma, or finding love, by applying feng shui to your home you can build a more positive life.

According to Feng shui, the kitchen, the front entrance of your home and the bedroom represent a trinity of energies that must be carefully balanced. The kitchen is the heart of every home, being the place where Fire energy resides. Fire is said to suppress negative Chi (or life forces). The kitchen is also connected with the Water element, as it is the location of the sink for washing food and preparing meals. It is also connected with the Earth element, since it is the place where the every member of the household is nourished.

By incorporating Feng shui principles in your kitchen design, you can establish the perfect balance between the energies in the room, your personal energy and the energy of the whole universe. Here are some ways in which you can do that!

#1. Be Mindful of the Location of the Kitchen

The kitchen should never be located at the very centre of your house, as it could be taken to mean that the Fire element is attacking the heart of your home!  The north, northeast, south or southwest are considered to be good locations for the kitchen. When doing spatial planning, you must ensure that there are no bathrooms directly across the kitchen, as the water element in the bathroom will diminish the importance of fire in the kitchen. For the same reason, the sink and the stove should never face each other or be right next to each other.

#2. Next, Consider the Location of the Stove within the Kitchen

When you’re cooking at the stove, you should be able to see the door, and the position of the door and the stove should not be in the same line. In many cases this is not easily done, but Feng shui has a workaround for this! If you are able to add a mirror in a strategic location, you can see the reflection of the door in it when you’re cooking.

#3. Use all the Burners

The stove burner is symbolic of sources of wealth and abundant opportunities. If you have a stove with more burners, you will have income from more sources. It’s also important to use all the burners regularly, as if some are left unused that represents stagnation of energy. Make sure that you use the stove every day, even if its just to make a cup of coffee, so that your opportunities for creating wealth do not diminish!

#4. Keep the Kitchen Always Clean

A kitchen that is unclean harbours negative Chi, which leads to the poor health of your family. Not only should you keep the countertops, cooktops and the sink scrupulously clean, but you should also make sure that the inside of cabinets and drawers are kept in order at all times. Any groceries that are spoilt or rotting should be thrown out. Always use non-toxic, organic cleaners to remove dust and grime, without introducing harsh chemical cleaners and scourers.

#5. Balance all the Feng Shui Energy Elements

It’s important to represent all the elements of Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth in the kitchen. If one or more elements are missing, the energies will be out of harmony. Fire and water are always present in the stove and sink, but also make sure that you represent the other three elements too. Metal utensils, a wooden chopping board, and vegetables that grow under the earth, such as carrots, beets or radishes, can activate all these elements. Growing herbs in small terracotta pots is also a great way to add the earth element in your kitchen.

#6. Do not use Broken Items

If there are any appliances that do not work, get them repaired or replace them at once. Mugs, glasses or plates that are chipped or dented should not be used. Keep knives and scissors sharpened and in good working condition. Hinges that are rusty or creak should be oiled. Taps that are leaking must be fixed, especially since they represent wasting water- a most precious resource!

#7. Use Feng Shui- Approved Colours

White represents purity and is considered the best colour for kitchen cabinets. Each colour has a meaning, and you can choose from the hues that are connected to each element.

Earthy colours like brown, yellow and beige will keep you well-nourished and grounded.

Wood colours like green represent vital energy and growth.

The fire element is symbolised by red and orange and will give out passion and inspiration.

Black and blue are said to be water colours, and nurture depth and wisdom.

Metallic colours radiate joy and perfection.

#8. Take the Upper Cabinets all the Way to the Roof

Feng shui frowns upon dirt or dust in any form. If your kitchen cabinets do not go all the way till the ceiling, you are sure to have a layer of dust and negative chi trapped in the space above the cabinets—something we definitely do not want! By creating a loft, or taking the upper cabinets all the way up till the ceiling, this hard-to-clean pocket of space can be avoided.

#9. Pay Attention to Lighting and Fresh Air

Ample natural light and the free flow of fresh air invite good Chi. Plan to have a large window that allows in plenty of sunlight and allows good ventilation. Cooking fumes should be removed at once by a powerful chimney and should never be allowed to hang around the house.

Being mindful of good Feng shui principles will simplify your life and bring health, wealth and positive energy to your home and family. Need help getting your life into balance?  HomeLane’s Feng shui experts can guide you! All you have to do is give us a call.


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