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Fed up of Damp Walls? Here’s How to Hide Wall Seepage

By - May 27, 2024

Wall seepage can be a frustrating and unsightly problem. So, how to prevent seepage in walls? Here are a few things you can do to hide it: using wallpaper to cover walls, Plaster that is falling apart, stains, and filling in ceiling or bathroom leaks.

Table of Content:

  1. Water Seepage and Your Walls
  2. How to Prevent Seepage in Walls? Begin with Detection
  3. How to Hide Wall Seepage in Exterior Walls?
  4. How to Hide Wall Seepage from Ceilings?
  5. How to Hide Wall Seepage Emerging from the Floor?
  6. How to Hide Wall Seepage Caused by Groundwater?
  7. Preventive Tips on How to Hide Wall Seepage
  8. Conclusion

One of the most frustrating problems faced by homeowners across the world is how to deal with seepage in walls. Unless you address the core issue, the seepage is going to continue.

The best way to handle it is by nipping the problem in the bud. In short, if you tackle your leaking roof, burst pipe, or the cracks in your outer wall, the source will dry up, and your walls will be moisture-free.

So, how to prevent seepage in walls? And, more importantly, how to hide wall damage? Let’s take a deep dive and find out.

Water Seepage and Your Walls

Water seepage is a complicated issue, and there’s no one-size-fits-all remedy for it. Much like a doctor’s diagnosis, your walls, too, will need an expert opinion to get to the root of the problem.

When all else fails, you may have to resort to cosmetic treatment. Here are some signs of water seepage:

  • Puffed paint
  • Crumbling plaster
  • Stains
  • In extreme cases, dripping water
  • Fungal growth

So, how to remove seepage from walls? Let’s take a walk through the process.how to prevent seepage in walls

How to Prevent Seepage in Walls? Begin with Detection

Locating the source of the problem is one of the most important factors when figuring out how to hide wall seepage.

It can be from the terrace if you’re staying on the top floor, leakage from the bathroom above your floor, or cracks in the outer wall plaster. Once you locate the source, your work becomes a lot easier.how to remove seepage from wall

How to Hide Wall Seepage in Exterior Walls?

Harsh weather and old or poor construction are the main causes of exterior wall seepage. Here’s how to hide water damage on walls facing outwards:

  • Check for accumulation of water on the terrace; unclog the pipes
  • Check water and sanitation pipes for leaks
  • If pipes are broken or damaged, replace them
  • Repair cracks and broken or damaged plaster on the outer surfaces of your structure
  • Use a good quality waterproofing agent to treat the walls
  • A coat of water-resistant paint is the next step
  • Wait for the walls to dry out before you proceed with internal repair workhow to hide seepage walls

How to Hide Wall Seepage from Ceilings?

Your ceiling could be damaged due to broken pipes or damaged bathroom tiles on the floor above you. Request your neighbours to do the necessary repair work as soon as possible. Here’s how to hide wall dampness emanating from ceilings:

  • Check for leaky pipes or sanitary fittings
  • Fill up the cracks or gaps on the floor of the bathroom with cement and waterproofing materials
  • Once your neighbour has done the needful and your ceiling is dry, you can waterproof the area and give it a coat of fresh paint.hide wall seepage from ceilings

How to Hide Wall Seepage Emerging from the Floor?

One of the hardest things to tackle is seepage from the floor, especially if you’re staying on the ground floor. If your leakage is restricted to your flooring, it’s not difficult to deal with it. So, how to cover leakage from walls and floors?

  • Repair the gaps in your floor tiles with waterproof sealants
  • Check for leakage from the pipes of the adjoining bathroom and do repair work as needed
  • Apply waterproofing agents to your wall and use water-resistant paint to finish off

how to hide leakage on wall

How to Hide Wall Seepage Caused by Groundwater?

If groundwater is seeping into your walls, you won’t be able to fix the damage without extensive repairs to the building. This may not always be possible, especially if it concerns interior walls.

Here are your options when considering how to hide water damage on walls due to groundwater:

  • Water-resistant tiles and panels do a good job of hiding the puffed and cracked paint on your walls. And since you’re not exposed to the crumbling plaster and fungal growth, you can breathe easier too.
  • These tiles and panels not only tackle the frustrating issue of puffed and crumbling paint but also add an interesting element to your home decor. With the variety of colours and textures available, the nightmare of damp and damaged walls will be a thing of the past.
  • Wardrobes, wall cabinets, and other furniture items can be used to cover up the damaged walls. While this is not a long-term solution, it will improve the ambience of your home decor.
  • Potted plants with thick foliage are a great way to hide damaged walls. It’s a simple matter to cleverly introduce this green theme into home decor, as all you need are plants in a variety of species and sizes.

ground water wall seepage

Preventive Tips on How to Hide Wall Seepage

  • Ensure proper ventilation by installing exhaust fans in wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens
  • If possible, dry your laundry outside so as to not increase the moisture in the atmosphere
  • Use dehumidifiers to get rid of excess moisture in the air
  • Make sure to avoid the wet season when you want to paint your walls, as this can cause dampness in your walls. Keep your windows open when you are painting your walls
  • Keep your kitchen well-ventilated as the steam from the cooking is easily absorbed into your walls, causing dampness
  • Check for damage in your overhead water tank regularly

how to hide water damage on walls


Water leakage can cause extensive damage to your ceiling and walls if not dealt with promptly. Over time, your structure becomes weak, making it imperative to deal with the issue as soon as possible.

For expert guidance on how to hide wall seepage and matters to do with your home decor, contact HomeLane.


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