Black stainless steel kitchen appliances are not very different from their regular silver stainless steel counterpart. They are both made using a mixture of iron, nickel, chromium, silicon, and carbon. They are highly resistant to corrosive and abrasive elements. They are durable and aesthetic. The only minor difference is that black stainless steel appliances are coated in an additional protective film of polymer-based black paint.
Of late, modern-day kitchens are flooded with an assortment of black stainless steel kitchen appliances. From refrigerators to microwaves to dishwashers to stoves – and everything in between. Thanks to this trend, homeowners can finally live their dream of an all-black kitchen.
However, if you are yet to make the switch, hold your horses as we offer you insights on whether or not you should invest in black stainless steel appliances.
Let’s start by taking a look at why you must invest in black stainless steel kitchen appliances:
Black is a timeless shade that will never go out of style. It is edgy, timeless, and grants your stainless steel appliances a chic and modern appearance, regardless of the date of purchase of the appliance. Plus, seeing as how trends always run in circles, even if some other colours were to oust black from its superior spot, it would wiggle back on in no time!
Black is a universal colour that goes well with every other shade imaginable. So, whether your kitchen decor is a pastel teal or chic grey or wooden brown, black will tie the entire look together, regardless of the fact that your palette is warm, cool, or neutral. Plus, it adds a dramatic flair and transforms your average appliance into a statement piece.
One of the greatest disadvantages of silver stainless steel appliances is that they are super susceptible to smudging. However, black appliances overcome this drawback as they are more resistant to streaks and smudges, fingerprints, and water spots. Plus, if the appliance is in dire need of a touchup, all it takes is a damp cloth and a mild cleaner to get it sparkling new!
Allow us to further elaborate on how it is easier to clean black stainless steel appliances. Due to the durable paint coating, cleaning a black appliance only requires warm water, a soft rag, and a mild cleaner. You do not have to get fancy or purchase special cleaners as they might do more damage than good. Such simplicity offers unparalleled ease of maintenance.
Now, let’s understand why you must steer clear of black stainless steel kitchen appliances:
What do obsidian, charcoal, ebony, coal, raven, soot, and midnight have in common? They are all shades of black. From this detailed list, it is evident that black does not come in a one-size-fits-all shade, especially when different manufacturers are involved. You could have black with a tinge of blue or black with a reddish undertone – the permutation and combinations are endless. As such, mixing and matching appliances can get a teensy bit tough.
While the protective black polymer coating grants an enviable finishing to black stainless steel kitchen appliances, it also makes them prone to peeling. Several customers have complained how the black layer comes off as flecks, cracks, or simply peels away even with minimal use. Such an experience can be aggravating because now all you’re left with is a patchy appliance with zero aesthetic appeal.
Another issue that you may experience with black stainless steel kitchen appliances is that they are prone to scratches. And to add insult to injury, these nicks, scratches, scrapes, and scuff marks blatantly stand out and make the defect glaringly obvious. While you can always invest in scratch removal kits, you can never really restore it to its former glory.
In case you haven’t noticed, black stainless steel appliances are a lot costlier than traditional stainless steel appliances. In fact, black, in particular, is more expensive than any other shade such as red, silver, or blue. As such, you may have to pay a premium for this luxury – and that’s all for the looks of it.
Black is often seen as a safe choice while investing in an item that will offer you value in the long run. Think appliances, automobiles, consumer electronics, countertops, and so on. However, with the above weighed-out comparison, you can make an informed decision on whether or not you should purchase black stainless steel appliances.
Keep watching this space to know more about home decor tips and tricks and keep up with the latest trends. After all, HomeLane is your ticket to the home of your dreams!
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