Home Decor Ideas

Setting up a Home Office? Here Are a Few Things to Do before You Get Started

By - October 12, 2024

Most people think light, white and airy is the ideal colour palette for a home office. It’s not. You need to experiment and optimise your space to get stuff done!

It can seem daunting to decide what the best furniture for the home office is, but when you look at the updated designs, technology and features, it’s much more straightforward than you would think.

A home office setup idea is a challenging layout to plan. It needs to be functional, aesthetically pleasing, and appropriate for your work habits. Here are some tips for you to consider when starting to plan your office in this very important room.

home office setup idea

Working at home is a great perk for many of us. It allows us more freedom and flexibility — both of which are important for happiness. If you work from home, then you probably plan on getting a separate office if you don’t already have one. But how do you decide what kind of setup (and furnishings) will work best for you?

Have you ever wondered what the ideal home office setup is? There has to be one, right? Well, as it turns out, there are so many different opinions on what can improve productivity in your home office space.

Here’s a rundown of 7 different ways to optimise your home office setup.

How to Choose the Space for an Ideal Home Office Setup?

There are many things to consider while determining your office setup at home. The room you choose, lighting and sound, furniture, and accessories all play a role. The ideal home office setup is one that’s comfortable, functional and efficient.

The first thing to consider is what kind of space you have available. Do you have a spare room or corner? Is there enough room for two desks? What about a separate office or lounge area?

office setup at home

Once you’ve figured out the size of your space, it’s time to start thinking about how you want to use it. Do you want one large desk or multiple smaller ones? Will you be using your office space as an entertainment area too? These are all questions that will help determine what furniture and accessories will work best for your needs.

The perfect work-from-home office setup is one of the most important investments you can make in your business. It’s also one of the most challenging.

If your desk is near other areas in the house, try incorporating some elements into the design that tie it back into those areas. For example, if there’s artwork on walls or shelves nearby, use similar colours and patterns in your decorating choices so that they match seamlessly with existing pieces.

Best Suggestions for the Ideal Home Office Setup

A home office is not a luxury — it’s a necessity.

It is important to have a well-designed and functional workspace that makes it easier to complete your daily tasks. Home office setup ideas can help you save time, stay organised, and be more productive.

1. Set up a Dedicated Workspace

work-from-home office setupWhether you need to set up a temporary office or are looking for ways to improve your current workstation, there are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when designing an ideal workstation. The most important factor is comfort; if you’re not comfortable working at your desk, it’s likely that you won’t get much done.

2. Make Sure Your Desk Has Ample Storage Space for All of Your Supplies and Equipment

temporary office setupMake sure there’s enough room for everything without having too much clutter on top of the desk or surrounding it in piles on the floor. Having an organised space will help reduce stress by making it easier to find what you need when you need it — or at least make it easier on yourself when looking for something that’s lost in one of those piles!

3. Invest in Ergonomic Furniture

Chairs with armrests can help keep your body properly aligned while sitting at your desk — especially if they include lumbar support and adjustable height settings. The type of desk and chair you choose will depend on what kind of work you’ll be doing as well as how much time you spend working at your computer every day.

temporary home office setup

For example, if you spend most of your day sitting at your desk typing away, you might need a more ergonomic chair that supports your lower back and spine when sitting for long periods of time.

4. Choose the Right Location

The first thing to consider when setting up an ideal work-at-home office setup is where it should be located. You want to make sure that it’s away from distractions and noise but not so far away that it becomes inconvenient to get there when needed.

work-at-home office ideasThe best bet is usually somewhere near other rooms in the house — like the kitchen or living room — so that it doesn’t feel isolated from the rest of your life.

5. Consider Soundproofing

If your home office doubles as a guest room or if there are children nearby, soundproofing may be necessary so they don’t hear every phone call or conversation happening in the room.

ideal work-at-home office setupSoundproofing is inexpensive and easy to install yourself; just follow these instructions from DIY Network on how to do it yourself.

6. Make It Comfortable

A comfortable chair is key to enjoying time in your home office (and avoiding back pain). A good chair should provide support for your back and allow you to sit at a table or desk without slouching or leaning forward uncomfortably.

home office ideasYou should also consider where you’ll place your chair — if there’s only one option available and it’s near a window with direct sunlight streaming through during the day.

7. Make Sure Your Space Is Well-Lit

Light is essential for productivity and creativity, so make sure your home office has plenty of natural light coming in through windows or skylights, if possible. You can also use lamps or overhead lights for extra brightness if necessary.

home office setup design

Don’t forget about lighting during nighttime hours — many entrepreneurs prefer using desk lamps with dimmable settings so they can adjust brightness levels based on their needs during different times of the day.

8. Storage

You’ll want plenty of storage space in your home office so that papers don’t pile up on desks and countertops.

home office setup design with storage

Shelves are ideal for storing books and binders; bookcases are great for storing knickknacks and decorative items; file cabinets are perfect for keeping files organised; and bulletin boards can help keep track of important dates and upcoming events by hanging calendars on them.

9. Desk

You’ll need a desk that’s big enough to hold all your equipment and supplies. If possible, choose one that has drawers or cabinets where you can store items out of sight.

work at home office design

If your desk doesn’t have drawers or cabinets, consider adding a file cabinet to keep papers organised.

10. Temperature

Temperature can affect productivity, so make sure your work area is comfortable and that there’s adequate air circulation.

home office setup ideas

This means opening windows on cool days and using an air conditioner on hot ones. It also means keeping the heat down at night when you’re trying to sleep!

11. A Stable Surface for Your Computer Monitor

home office design

If your monitor is on top of your desk or workspace, then it’ll wobble every time you type or move around the room — which isn’t safe when there are glass screens involved! Make sure it’s firmly mounted somewhere near eye level.

12. Choose the Best Room in the House

The ideal room for your home office should be quiet, private, comfortable and well-lit. You don’t want to disturb others while working or have people coming in asking questions all the time.

temporary home office design

Make sure there aren’t any distractions like television sets or other entertainment devices in this room as well. You should also be able to lock this room if necessary to keep any prying eyes out.

13. Keep Distractions at Bay

home office space

You want to be able to work without being distracted by anything from outside noises to family members who may drop in unannounced. To keep yourself focused, consider soundproofing your office and installing a lock on your door so no one can just walk in when you’re trying to get something done.

Wrapping Up

The key takeaway is that the best home office setup is one that is customised to your personal preferences, so don’t be afraid to try out a few different setups until you find one that works perfectly for you. Remember, as long as you’re comfortable, productive, and satisfied with your setup. Then no one can tell you how to run your business from home.

ideal home office setup

At HomeLane, we help you save time, money, and energy by sharing our ideal home office setup suggestions. Your workspace isn’t set in stone; it’s a dynamic thing that you can always adapt to better suit your needs. If you take a little time to let these principles guide you, you can end up with a workspace that works for you—ultimately leading to greater success at home and at work. Look through HomeLane’s Design Journal, starting with space saving furniture designs, for additional interior design inspiration.


1. What do I need to set up a home office?

As with any room in your home, the first step is to decide what you need. When setting up an office, consider whether you want the space to double as a guest room and/or playroom or if it will be dedicated solely to work. If you’re moving into a new space, consider the dimensions of the room and what furniture will fit, and then use that as your guide for getting started.

There are no hard and fast rules for where to situate your workspace, but there are some guidelines. If possible, choose a room that has natural light — whether from windows or skylights. The best home office setup is one that makes you productive and comfortable.

If you’re working in an open-plan home, try creating separate zones within the same room so that everyone has their own space and feels like they’re not competing for attention with other family members or pets (or vice versa).

2. How do I set up office space in my home?

The key to a great home office is to make it as comfortable and efficient as possible. If you’re hoping to use your home office as a place to work from home, then it’s essential that you set yourself up for success.

The ideal size for an office depends on your available space. This can be used as an office space if you have a spare room or just a corner of the living room. However, if it’s going to be located in your bedroom, then it will take up most of the available floor space.

If you have a large space available, then you should consider getting an ergonomic chair with armrests and adjustable heights. This will mean you can sit comfortably while working on your computer or laptop without strain. A desk lamp should also be considered if there are no windows in the room or if they don’t provide enough natural light during the day.

3. How do I set up a small business home office?

Here are some tips on how to set up a small business home office:

  • Choose a quiet area. If possible, choose an area that has plenty of space for storage and equipment but is also quiet enough to work in peace.
  • Make sure the room has good lighting. You should have at least one window in your home office so that natural light can fill the room during the day. A desk lamp is also essential if you need extra light while working at night or early in the morning before sunrise.
  • Create a filing system for all documents related to your business. This will help prevent clutter and confusion when trying to find necessary information quickly.
  • Set up a computer workstation with all the necessary equipment — laptop, desktop computer, printer, and scanner (if needed).



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