Home Decor Ideas

Home Interior Design Ideas To Decorate With Cushions

By - October 15, 2024

Living in a rented home does not excuse you from paying attention to your home’s aesthetics. Having a welcoming space for yourself is a joy that you will cherish every time you enter your home. One simple way to make your home bright and homey is to decorate with soft furnishings.

A practical reason for investing in cushions is to make hard-backed furniture comfortable. However, we are going to be looking at the aesthetic value of getting a fresh pile of cushions. Before you begin ‘adding to cart’, check out these hot tips from our design experts to choose the perfect cushion for your home :

1. Don’t go Matchy-Matchy

Sometimes when you buy a new sofa, it comes with matching cushions that blend into the sofa’s colour and make it look like a lumpy piece of furniture. Don’t keep these. Give them away to a friend or neighbour. Replace these matchy cushions with cushions that contrast with the sofa’s shade and also complement the rest of the room. You won’t believe the impact it has on your entire room.

cushion cover design

2. Pick a Colour Palette

Picking the right colours can make your room look harmonious and well put together. There are usually a lot of elements in different shades and textures in the living room. Your carefully chosen cushions can pull together all the elements beautifully and make the colours work well together.

Revamping your home interior design can be as expensive as you want. Getting yourself some cushion covers is a budget-friendly way to revive your home’s look.


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