If you are planning to buy or renovate your home, the chances are that you would have come across the term ‘Vastu’ and wondered what it’s all about!
Vastu Shastra is the traditional science of architecture that offers advice on how you should design and layout the spaces in your home. Today, people recognize the inherent wisdom in our ancient sciences and understand the positive effects that can come out of respecting our traditions.
These ancient scriptures that describe design guidelines for every area of our home have detailed mandates for the bathroom and toilet as well. The rooms in which you bathe and keep yourself clean are given special importance, and precise instructions are laid down for Vastu compliance bathroom.
Why Bathroom And Toilet Vastu?
According to Vastu, bathrooms and toilets are often filled with negative energy as they are the places where waste is eliminated. By designing the bathroom by following Vastu and taking care to maintain scrupulous cleanliness, all the negative energy can be dispelled.

- Vastu Guidelines For Bathroom Design
Location and Direction:
- Ideally, the best location for bathrooms and toilets is in the North-West. A toilet should never be located in the South-West or North-East of the house.
- Do not locate the bathroom adjacent to the Pooja, or hang any pictures of deities or religious items on the outside walls.
- The toilet should never be located in the Brahmasthan, which is the centre of the lines drawn from the four corners of the house.
- The bathroom should ideally not share a wall with the kitchen or bedroom. If it is located next to the bedroom, try to place the wardrobe on the shared wall so that the energy is not easily transmitted outwards.
- The slope of the water flow should be lower in the north, east or northeast. That is, water should ideally flow from the south-west and drain into the north-east. For this reason, the shower and washbasin should be located in these directions of your room.
- The commode should be placed in the north or north-west for the best elimination of waste and toxins. Never place the commode in the south-west corner of the room. It would help if you did not face east or west when using the commode.
- The room should not be cramped and should be as spacious as possible. It should be well ventilated. Ideally, the window should be in the east or north-east to allow fresh air and morning sunlight to enter the room. Sunlight is considered the best natural disinfectant and will cleanse your room and purify the air.
- Similarly, the exhaust fan should also be located on the east or north-east walls.
- The northern wall is the best location for the mirror.
- The ideal location for overhead water tanks is in the south-west corner of the house.
- If the geyser is located in the bathroom, it should be placed in the south-east corner.
Material, Colours and More
- Keep the bathroom door closed at all times so that the negative waste energy will not enter the rest of your home. The door should be of good quality wood that blocks the energy, and should never be of metal which is a good conductor of energy.
- Earthy colours like brown, beige, cream or white are good choices for the tiles and walls. Avoid dark colours like black and grey as dirt will not be easily visible, and for this reason, may not get cleaned well. Try and avoid red as well.
- The room should be very well lit, so pay careful attention to the light fixtures and fittings.
- Clean the bathroom and toilet with flowing water and a disinfectant. Doing this twice a day to eliminate odours and fungus or bacteria.
- Any dampness in the walls or ceiling should be immediately attended.
- Leaking taps should be repaired at once as this indicates loss of positive energy from the home.
It is believed that living in compliance with Vastu will ensure that you lead a healthy, happy and prosperous life. If there are Vastu defects in the bathrooms and toilets, it will have severe repercussions that are related to health and finance. Vastu is a practical science, and there are ways of eliminating or moderating these defects to ensure better compliance. Good luck in turning your home into a peaceful and happy place! If you need help in designing a Vastu compliant bathroom, or home for that matter, do get in touch with the experts at HomeLane.