The ancient, time-tested, and proven science of Vastu Shastra teaches us how to design and decorate our homes in alignment with the positive energies of the environment around us. Vastu exponents believe that when we live in harmony with nature’s energy, our lives will change for the better.
A septic tank is considered to be the hub of negative energy in the home, and as such your home design should carefully consider its location and design. Get the rules of septic tank vastu wrong, and you might have to face unpleasant consequences! To help you fall in step with what the guidelines advise, we’ve compiled a set of septic tank vastu guidelines. Read on to know what they are.
A septic tank is a set of chambers, typically underground, in which sewage from your house collects. It is allowed to decompose and the toxins are rendered harmless through bacterial activity, before the waste water is drained out safely through a soakway. Septic tanks are often combined with waste water treatment units in order to prevent ground water pollution.
These tanks are not usually found within city limits, as buildings inside the city are normally connected to the common underground sewerage system. If you live in the suburbs, or have a farmhouse that’s not connected to the city sewers, then in all probability your home will need a septic tank.
Vastu Shastra literally translates to the ‘science of architecture’, and is a way of integrating the built environment with nature. It takes into account beliefs around geometry, directional alignments and the relationships between spaces. Exponents of Vastu believe that when we choose to live attuned with the earth’s natural energy, we will feel revitalised and positive.
The science of Vastu was never meant to be rigid and inflexible, and it factors in many ways to counter the harmful effects of wrong alignments. This ancient manuscript is based on common sense, and many of the texts are about simple, flexible guidelines that maximise space, optimise functionality, and streamline the flow of energy. All of which makes complete sense, and will help you live your life, the way it should be lived!
The septic tank is considered to be the place where all the foul, negative effluent from your house is released, and as such it is said to be full of negative energy. In order to mitigate the harmful effects of this energy, septic tank vastu guidelines must be followed.
A cautionary note: Vastu is an ancient science and not superstition; however, in today’s world there are many quacks who market false beliefs in the name of Vastu, and pocket huge sums of money from those who choose to believe them. Read up on your own and follow only what feels right to you.
For those who believe in septic tank vastu, the design of the septic tank is a very important aspect of home design. If the location isn’t right, it could lead to a lot of negative repercussions on the family. You might have to brace yourself for a harmful impact on your career, loss of health and wealth, and poor relationships.
But all said and done, Vastu is a practical science! There are plenty of ways to work around such negative connotations, ensuring that the harmful effects of septic tank vastu dosha are mitigated.
And even if you are someone who does not believe in Vastu, it pays to keep in mind that the re-sale value of your home will always be higher if you design and build it in keeping with the rules of Vastu!
For Vastu suggestions and sensible Vastu remedies for your septic tank, do check in with the experts on the HomeLane team. We can help you follow septic tank vastu tenets to the T, and turn your luck (and your life) around!
Septic tank vastu states that the septic tank should be placed in the North-West corner of the property, about 1 or 2 feet away from the compound wall. The longer side of the tank should be aligned with the East-West axis.
The South, South-East and West directions are to be strictly avoided.
Other than the North-West, all other locations will have some form of negative effects and must not be used. Locating your septic tank in any alternative position will lead to these dire situations, as per septic tank vastu rules:
There might be instances where the septic tank is already located in the wrong direction, and your family might already be experiencing some negative effects. Vastu exponents would always recommend that you close the existing tank and build a new one in accordance with the guidelines. You can consult HomeLane experts for the right septic tank vastu solutions to every problem.
Septic tank vastu does not commonly mention the size of the tank itself. However, do note that the side of the septic tank should never abut the compound wall but should always be 2 feet away. Also, the longer side of the tank should be placed along the East-West axis.
Just as a rule of thumb, the standard size of a septic tank in feet is approximately 5 feet long by 2.5 feet wide by 6 feet in depth. With a capacity of about 2000 litres of liquid wastage, this size of septic tank is suitable for a household with 4 members.
Septic tank vastu recommends that the length and the breadth of the tank should be in the ratio of 1: 1.61.
Regardless of the direction of your house, the location of the septic tank should always be in the North-West corner of the property, if it is to follow Vastu guidelines.
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