Interior Design Tips

Want to Know How to Make Your Wallpaper Waterproof? Check Out This Guide

By - October 29, 2024

Are you tired of the wallpaper coming apart in your bathroom, kitchen, or other rooms of your house? Well, then, there’s one thing you can do—learn how to waterproof wallpaper!

waterproof wallpaper

Wondering where to start looking for wallpaper waterproofing ideas?

For your convenience, we’ve listed all the tips and tricks you need to know, answering every question you might have about how to make wallpaper waterproof.

Tip 1: Ensure That the Room Temperature Is Ideal

The first thing you need to know about how to waterproof wallpaper is that the temperature of your room should be about 21 degrees Celsius.

Before starting to work, you need to ensure that there’s little to no humidity in the room so you can achieve the unwarped waterproof wallpaper look shown in the image. 

Preferably start and complete waterproofing the wallpaper on a day when there’s not much moisture in the air.

unwarped waterproof wallpape

Tip 2: Know and Combine the Right Varnish Finishes

When considering wallpaper waterproofing ideas, don’t forget to select the right kind of varnish. Varnishes help waterproof wallpaper and are available in three different types of finishes: gloss, dead flat, and satin finish.

Usually, the combination of any two will leave a beautiful-looking waterproof wallpaper. For instance, by combining a dead-flat and satin finish, you can have wallpaper with a sheenless look.

Tip 3: Clean the Room before Waterproofing Your Wallpaper

clean the room before waterproofing

Another thing you need to know about how to waterproof wallpaper is that you must clean the entire room, including the windows, floor, shelf, cupboards, etc., so you can achieve the neat look shown in the image.

You can use water and soap to clean the room of dirt and dust. This will ensure you’re able to apply the varnish finish smoothly and that it remains clean when drying out.

Tip 4: Fix the Cracks and Peels in the Wallpaper

When learning how to waterproof wallpaper, you can’t ignore the cracks and peels on the wallpaper before applying varnish. To fix them, you need to glue them up and give ample time for the glue to dry out.

In case you don’t fix the cracks in the wallpaper, the varnish you apply will not only damage your wall and wallpaper but also lead to discolouration.

fix the cracks and peels

Tip 5: Don’t Shake the Varnish; Apply It Evenly 

The next thing you need to know about how to waterproof wallpaper is that you should avoid shaking the varnish in any way; that will cause it to bubble up and make it difficult to spread evenly on the wallpaper.

In addition, make sure to apply the varnish evenly on the wallpaper with the help of a brush. Use only one coat of varnish for an even application, and don’t overbrush it, or you’ll risk leaving marks on the wallpaper.

Tip 6: Let the Varnish Finishes Dry Completely

The final thing to be mindful about how to waterproof wallpaper involves letting the varnish dry completely.

You must abstain from touching the wallpaper for about 24 hours to get an appealing look, as shown in the image above.

Here, the wallpaper’s appeal is further enhanced since it goes really well with the hallway interior design.

enhanced wallpaper

The End Note

Now that you know how to get waterproof wallpaper, you can experiment with all kinds of varnish finishes and wallpapers for the rooms in your home.

However, if you feel confused at any point and can’t decide on a single wallpaper waterproofing idea, feel free to reach out to the experienced interior designers at HomeLane. We’ll help you choose from the various options and assist you in waterproofing the wallpaper in your home with ease.

make wallpaper waterproof


How Do You Make Paper Wallpaper Waterproof?

To make paper wallpaper waterproof, you need to coat it with a layer of solid vinyl or decorator’s varnish. This will create a waterproof seal that will help keep the moisture out and prevent the wallpaper from tearing apart or peeling. In addition, this will make the wallpaper easier to scrub and clean.

Can Wallpaper Be Made Waterproof?

Yes, wallpaper can be made waterproof. In fact, to make your home look attractive, you can try out different wallpaper designs like a 3d wall design or wall sticker design and then make them waterproof by coating their surfaces with varnish or vinyl.

Can You Clear Varnish over the Wallpaper?

Yes, you can clear varnish over wallpaper. It will protect the wallpaper in your home from water, strain, scratches, etc. Not only this, but a clear varnish over the wallpaper will ensure the longevity of waterproofing and prevent the colour of the wallpaper from fading away.


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