Interior Design Tips

How to get rids of ants?  

By - July 14, 2024

There are about twelve thousand ant species in the world. Ant infestation is a common residential problem. While ants that dwell in the garden are good for the soil, ants in the kitchen, rooms, and bathrooms can be a viable source of infection. Plus, the creatures can damage your valuable wooden furniture and can become a source of embarrassment with guests around. All in all, you should start work getting rid of ants as soon as you discover an ant trail. How to get rid of ants? Read on to know effective ways to do so.

How to get rid of ants?

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is silicon dioxide that is formed by the mould of diatoms or tiny aquatic microorganisms. The material is easily available at credible online home stores and hardware shops. Food-grade diatomaceous earth is available too – it is natural and harmless, though you should be careful when applying the silica for when breathed in, it can cause breathing-related problems. When applied to ant colonies and trails, the silica absorbs the oils present in the skeleton of the ants, and in the process, the ants are dried up.

Ant bait

One of the most common ant baits used for getting rid of ants is boric acid. It is a natural remedy to prevent ants. Boric acid is harmless for human beings. It is a sweet edible substance that proves to be harmful to ants only. Ensure that you place the ant trails away from the reach of kids and pets.


Using black pepper acts as an ant deterrent as the smell of pepper irritates ants. You can use pepper powder from your kitchen on gaps and crevices or hidden spots behind appliances and baseboards. The pepper smell deters ants from entering your room or house.

Boiling Water

Another effective DIY tip to remove ants is to use piping-hot water. Simply boil water and pour the same on the ant trail or cluster or colony or anthills, and the ants will be killed immediately. If you find a hole or an aperture on the floor or the wall or countertops are home to the ant colony, pour a good amount of water down the hole to kill all of them.


It is one of the common remedies to keep ants out of your home. You can powder the chalk and spray the same on the anthills and holes where you believe the ants have made their colony. You can also draw a line, especially near small holes and cracks from where ants can enter your house. Chemically, chalk is calcium carbonate. There is no evidence, though, as to why ants and chalks do not go together yet.


One of the easiest and natural remedies to prevent ants from making your house their home is to use daily-use salt. Simple basic table salt is enough to combatant colonies indoors. Take boiling water and add a good amount of salt to make a heavily salt concentrated solution. Use a spray bottle to spray the solution at all places where you believe the ants have made their nests and colonies.


How to get rid of ants? Use lemon peels or juice to prevent ants from infesting your home effectively. Researchers believe that ants do not like the smell of lemon. So, if you notice an ant trail, squeeze a lemon over it, or you can also keep lemon peels near places where the ants may enter your home.


Anything citrusy, sour, and bitter can be an effective remedy to keep ants away from your home. You need to make a paste to use this DIY tip to remove ants. Take warm water and add an orange peel or so to it. Now, grind the mixture to make a paste. Apply this paste to all the possible entry points of ants to your home. You can remove or wipe off the paste after a day or so. Orange peels are great as a deterrent for ants to enter a place. If you cannot make the paste, simply keep orange skin on kitchen slabs, countertops, holes, and gaps to prevent ants’ entry.

White vinegar

Another excellent way to get rid of ants is by using white vinegar. It is commonly there in most households. Just like other sour items, ants are unable to tolerate the smell of white vinegar. Make a soluble mixture of water and vinegar. You can add cinnamon essential oil drops to this mixture. Tea tree oil, lemon eucalyptus oil, or lemon eucalyptus (OLE) oil can also be added to the mixture. Pour the solution in a sprayer and keep spraying for days at various entry points of ants. Doing this will help keep ants away.

Ants are a common sight in many Indian households. While most of the species are harmless, some, like the pharaoh ant, can cause allergies and respiratory problems. Most ants carry germs and microbes and, therefore, can become a carrier of diseases. Also, your home does not look hygienic with ants around. It is best to keep your home ant-free. They can become a nuisance but keep trying the above-mentioned DIY tip to remove ants. If everything else fails, call in experts from HomeLane to help you with the problem.


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