Interior Design Tips

How to Encourage Better Sleep during COVID-19

By - June 03, 2024

“Everything you do, you will do better with a good night’s sleep.” – Arianna Huffington

Sleep is an essential component of human life. Countless studies have established the importance and benefits of adequate sleep. A good night’s sleep can help our brain to operate in optimal condition, assist in improving immune function, and remain emotionally well-balanced. 

While it helps maintain good health and well-being, a lack of sleep significantly impacts our brain and body function. The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most challenging and uncertain situations we are going through in the last hundred years. It has disrupted all facets of our lives. 

One recent study showed how it affected our sleep and further led to increased stress and anxiety, thus highlighting the importance of sleep during COVID times. Just as we are taking all the necessary precautions to stay healthy, it is equally important to take care of our sleep.

Here are some ways to have a good night’s sleep and improve our overall well-being in these testing times. 

Ditch All Screens Before Bed!

We all have our eyes glued to digital screens till we hit our bed, be it a TV, Laptop, Mobile, or Tablet. Our Mobile phone and Laptop rests right next to us like a loyal companion. These devices not only keep us up till late at night but also disrupt our sleep. 

Several studies have shown that blue light coming out of these digital screens disrupts the sleep-wake cycle. It is essential to establish certain ground rules like staying away from all sorts of digital screens at least an hour before going to bed and ensuring that the bedroom is a no-tech zone. Taking these steps will help you to fall asleep faster. 

Have a Vastu-compliant Bedroom Layout

Vastu Shastra is one of the oldest design principles which demonstrates how to build and design architecture. Ideally, the bedrooms should be in the southwest corner of the home. It is said to bring prosperity, good health, and improve sleep quality. Vastu also suggests placing the bed against the wall, pointing either towards the west or south direction while the legs should point towards the north or east. 

While designing the bedroom layout, there should be a dedicated work area to avoid working from the bed. This compartmentalisation gives the brain the cues to not mix work and rest mode. Keeping a clutter-free bedroom by implementing bedroom Vastu will make you feel organised, ensure cleanliness, and help keep the positive vibes flowing.

Adding Plants to Bedroom

Adding greenery to the bedroom has been proven to stimulate our primitive senses and make us feel connected with nature. Numerous studies have shown that keeping plants in the bedroom makes the creative juices flow and reduces stress. 

Plants also help detoxify the air by absorbing harmful gases and purifying the air. You can also place some fragrant plants in the room. It will make the bedroom smell fresh and act as natural aromatherapy. Not to mention, it adds to the aesthetics of the room and making it look lively. Bring nature into the bedroom to elevate your mood and improve productivity. 

Finding the right Mattress, Cushions, and Linen

We spend one-third of our lives sleeping. Using the wrong type of mattress or pillow which doesn’t provide proper support can ruin your sleep and cause sleep fatigue. Further, it can exert strain on your spine and cause backaches and sore muscles.

Older mattresses, pillows, and linen can also cause a lot of hygiene issues due to dust mites. If the mattress and pillows seem deformed, it is time to switch to a new one from a range of options like memory foam, innerspring, hybrid, latex as per your preference. You must also check if you are allergic to the bedding that might cause itching, irritation, and disruption in sleep. Purchase a good quality mattress keeping in mind the above considerations.

Having Proper Lighting, Ventilation, and Sound-Free Environment

Sound and light play a significant role in making the bedroom a comfortable place to rest and sleep. At least an hour before sleeping, avoid bright lights and switch to task lights or accent lights. This primes the brain to follow the natural circadian rhythm. The bedroom should be pitch dark while sleeping.

If there is any light slipping into the room, it’s necessary to curb it to avoid sleep disruption. Use room-darkening curtains to cut out light coming from the windows and create ample darkness. Having a well-regulated room temperature and ventilation also helps to have a sound sleep. Although optimal room temperature is subjective, keeping the room cool helps to sleep better. Also, ensure there is a soundproof bedroom environment to the maximum extent possible.

During the COVID-19 era, we are spending the majority of our time indoors. All the tangible or intangible elements present in the house affects us on both psychological and physiological level. Therefore, it makes complete sense to incorporate certain changes in our bedroom to encourage better sleep during these testing times.

If you need assistance to get some of these changes done, we at HomeLane provide end-to-end interior solutions. Our home expert professionals will advise you on designs and help you personalise your interiors in the best possible manner. 


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