Home Decor Ideas

The 7 Best Flooring Options for Homes with Pets

By - July 01, 2024

If there is someone who waits by the door to welcome you home, it has got to be your pet. Your furry friend will sense your presence even before you reach the door and will run from the balcony to the front door in excitement with yelps of joy or, in anticipation of your arrival, will scratch the door, trying to pry it open.

Yes! Dogs love their owners and are happiest when they are with them. But does your home have pet-friendly flooring to make your new friend comfortable?

Pet-Resistant Flooring is a Must

Sometimes your pet’s mad dash to welcome you home can cause accidents. They could slip, fall and injure themselves. It may seem comical to you but falls hurt, may instil fear in them, and restricts them from giving you a royal welcome in the future.

You, too, could be harassed if your floors aren’t pet-resistant. There are two problems you must tackle in this regard. The first is the damage to the floor because of your pet’s need to scratch it. The second is their excretion which can stain the flooring. These two issues may force you to clean and repair the floors regularly. Sometimes the damage may be irreversible, necessitating you to redo your floor.

Flooring effected by pets

When you reorganize your home to make it comfortable for the new addition, pay a little more attention to providing pet-friendly flooring because it can impact the well-being and behaviour of your pet.

The trick is to find pet-resistant flooring in a design you choose that you can deep-cleanse or replace whenever necessary without a hassle.

Here is a listing of flooring materials that you can consider to keep your pet safe and comfortable without causing you much trouble.

Solid Concrete Flooring

The primary reason to choose concrete flooring is to make your four-footed companion comfortable and easy to maintain. When you cover the concrete floor with a floor finish, if your pet wets the floor, it will not seep in; therefore, you will not have to worry about the stench or staining.

The second reason is that you can clean them easily. Just use your broom to sweep off the fur your pet sheds and clean the stains of their muddy paws with a few swipes of the mop.

Ceramic or Porcelain Tiles

A cat can break or damage many things, but ceramic tiles with a matte finish generally withstand the scratching of the sharpest nail.

Glace ceramic or porcelain tiles do not stain when your pet accidentally excretes on them. But most pet owners use ceramic tiles because it comes in beautiful colours and designs that are so easy to maintain and clean.

The grout lines, however, could stain or get discoloured with time. But you can clean that too with water and floor cleaning solutions. If the stains are stubborn and stick on, resealing will not cost you much.

Natural Stone Tiles

Stones tiles are beautiful, and the coloured tiles are excellent for hiding the fur your pet sheds. More than anything, they are classy, add value to your property, and you don’t need to replace them frequently.

However, it is better not to use polished marble or granite as animal excretion can stain them. The better option would be to use rough textured slate or limestone.

Natural stone tiles

Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Luxury Vinyl flooring is soft and has good absorption properties. You will not hear the noise of your pet’s nails scraping against the floor either.

Moreover, the modern-day vinyl flooring is laid with click lock techniques that don’t let it peel off easily. Luxury vinyl is available in a wide range of colours and designs that it would be easy for your guest to believe the flooring to be of wood, ceramic or stone tiles, and they will have to take a closer look to tell the difference.

Luxury Vinyl Flooring

Cork Flooring

If you are looking for a hardwood finish for your pet-friendly living room flooring and don’t want to use hardwood because you fear the damage your furry friend could cause, use a softer wood sound-absorbing option cork flooring.

However, it is better to use a tough surface sealer and trim your pet’s claws well because it is not scratch-proof.

Cork flooring


A second option for hardwood enthusiasts is the bamboo floor. Hardwood is complicated for your pet to scratch and you can easily clean up the damage and accidental spills without leaving a stain, thanks to the resins used in its manufacture.

The only negative about these floors is that it doesn’t absorb sound.

Bamboo Flooring

Vinyl Tiles

If you are looking for inexpensive flooring material, use vinyl tiles or sheets. They don’t stain and absorb moisture well.

However, your pets could scratch and damage it. But that will allow you to redo your flooring and give your home a new look.

Vinyl Tiles

The final selection of the flooring material for your home depends on your preferences and desire to provide the best for your pet. When you check flooring material, ensure your chosen one is in a colour or design that you love and tough enough to withstand scratching attempts and unexpected accidents from your pet.

Once you have decided, approach the experts at HomeLane to provide you with the best-looking floors that are comfortable for your pets.


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