Interior Design Tips

3 Easy, DIY Ways to Clean Sticky, Greasy Wooden Kitchen Cabinets

By - March 27, 2024

It is inarguable that clean and sparkling bright kitchens are quite satisfying. It is rather unfortunate, though, that they’re quite uncommon. Even with minimal wardrobe design, kitchens are often the most used space in anyone’s home. Day in and day out, kitchens are there for extended periods by many people. And thus, once the sparkling, glistening, and picture-perfect cooking space changes. They quickly turn into a grotesque, faded version of their glorious past.

The cabinetry and storage space must be carefully maintained at all times. Aside from the functionality of the utensils and the other cooking equipment. The cabinetry and storage space that fills the kitchen up is one of the main pain spots of the kitchen. Most of the kitchens rightly use wooden kitchen cabinets for storage. Yet, unfortunately, the material, i.e. wood, can be quite difficult to clean and maintain. It is rather irritating when it comes to dirt in kitchens. Well, that’s a situation that needs a homeowner’s full attention.

You use your wooden kitchen cabinets to store utensils, ingredients, and more. So, keeping them clean and tidy can become much more pertinent. The health and well-being of your family are always a priority.

The dust and the occasional remnants now aren’t the dirt warriors to fight such sudden duels. Especially when it comes to your wooden kitchen cabinets, it’s grease. Grease build-up is quite common. Spookily, it has a way of sneaking past you. It can keep evading your suspicion until one sudden encounter someday. By then, it often becomes unmissable.

It becomes necessary to assess the wooden storage cabinets for the kitchen. There are even a few ways to easily clean these tough grease stains, and it’s not as hard as you would think. Though admittedly, you may need a bit of perseverance. At the same time, you could also use more commercial options. Examples such as commercial cleaners and store-bought cleaning liquids come to mind. Even so, there are plenty of DIY options too.

diy kitchen cleaning

Dish Soap to the Rescue of wooden kitchen cabinets

Dish soap is a great option for dealing with light grease stains. It’s safe to use but may need a bit of work, and it is a practical and accessible solution. Even for a solid wood cabinet. What’s more? Since it’s used for utensils and other cooking equipment, it’s quite gentle on the material overall. Essentially it’ll fight the grease and leave your wooden kitchen cabinets looking brand new. Moreover, this can be done without even ruining the wood itself.

What do you think? How do you go about making an effective dish soap solution? Fighting these grease stains on wooden kitchen cabinets is necessary. We’re here to help. Here are the steps.

  1. First, take a bowl of warm water and add a few drops of liquid dish soap.

  2. Next, you have to dampen the grease stains with this soap solution.

  3. Let sit for a few minutes. The warm water and soap combination will begin acting on the grease.

  4. Wait a few minutes, then use a towel and wipe away all the grease. If the stains prove to be tougher than you thought, dampen your towel with a bit of vinegar and wipe the grease off.

Voila, getting rid of grease stains with a dish soap solution is just that simple. It is a classic for a reason. Sometimes, it is that simple to clean even the nastiest stains.

dish soap idea for kitchen cleaning

Baking Soda is a Worthy Fighter

Baking soda is the more traditional method to use when fighting tough stains. It’s one of those old tricks that have survived many generations and the test of time. It has been symbolic of home-making, and for a good reason. It could even be a wood pantry cabinet. It’s an extremely effective solution when combined with the right ingredients. It’s used for a variety of household items. These items include even clothes in some cases. To make a baking soda-based fighter to combat grease, you’ll need to do the following.

  1. Squeeze out the juice of one lemon into a container.

  2. Then, create the cleaning solution with 2 parts warm water to 1 part baking soda and add the lime juice to the mix.

  3. For ease of application, pour out the solution into a spray bottle.

  4. Spray this liquid onto the affected areas copiously. Then, let it sit there for a few minutes.

  5. You can use a soft sponge to pad lightly; this avoids scratches and damage to the wood. You can gently scrub/ wipe out the stains away with it.

  6. Finally, use a clean and dry cloth to wipe the stains off the kitchen wardrobe design.

Lemon is also a naturally occurring cleaning agent. Together, these are some of your best options for tackling this tedious problem. So, these two ingredients can be the perfect power couple to fight these tough greasy stains for you. Yet, always make sure you have to use the right proportions of baking soda and lemon. This is because both of these can be bad for you. Since if used in excess, it can leave stains on the wood. Please understand the necessary quantities before application. Your next task may be to redo by painting wooden kitchen cabinets then.

baking soda for kitchen cleaning

Vinegar isn’t just for Cooking

White vinegar can be another kitchen ingredient that can make for a great DIY cleaning agent. When used against sticky grease stains in your wooden kitchen cabinets. Since it isn’t as strong as baking soda, it can be just as effective. You could have a small or large kitchen almirah. Wooden structures deserve your care even so. You can follow these steps to concoct an ideal cleaning solution with vinegar.

  1. Make a half-and-half solution of warm water and white vinegar.

  2. Again, for ease of use, pour the solution into a spray bottle.

  3. Spray the solution onto the grease stains in your wooden kitchen cabinets and leave it to absorb for a couple of minutes.

  4. While this solution works its magic, your work is not done. You have to wet a cloth with warm water and wring out all the excess water.

  5. Wipe off the tedious stains away with a damp cloth. York work is done; you’re all set.

While using this method, you have to be sure to work with the right proportions to succeed. More importantly, you have to get rid of all the excess water. This is because too much H2O can seep into your wooden kitchen cabinets to cause even further damage.

So, there you have it – these were 3 easy DIY ways to get rid of various stains. Even the tough, sticky, and annoying grease stains on the wooden kitchen cabinets. This is with the use of everyday ingredients found at home. While it can be inconvenient to keep scrub your wooden kitchen cabinets; it’s best to do these at timely interventions every now and then again. Those picture-perfect, as good as new wooden kitchen cabinets are well worth the complete effort. Check out the HomeLane blog for more DIY cleaning tips and ideas.

vinegar for cleaning wooden kitchen cabinets


1. Which Type Of Kitchen Cabinets Is Best For Your Home?

Wooden kitchen cabinets are generally seen as a rather timelessly special addition to even the spatiality of kitchens. These cabinets complement any décor style when stained or even left natural. This makes them among the more popular choices of cabinetry for homeowners. Thus, wood is generally believed to be the best material for kitchen cabinets, much like other modular wardrobes. Even so, that is not all there is to your choice, as there are other aspects. It could be a carved wood cabinet, a wood wall cabinet, or whatever else you desire. These days rustic wood kitchen cabinets are in fashion. Even the right type of wood is pertinent to a good kitchen. Outside this, the next important consideration is its size. It is important not only that your cabinet is pretty but also that it fits your kitchen well.

2. What Are The Best Wooden Kitchen Cabinets?

You can go for many hinged wardrobe designs to look unique, or even a sliding wardrobe design will catch the eye. There are many types of wood available in the market today. Even if your kitchen is unideal for certain wood, others may be what you need. Red oak is robust, long-lastingly durable, and reasonably well-priced among solid wood kitchen cabinets. Even white oak wood cabinets are as tough as red oak, if not tougher. Another option is the hard maple. It is fine-grained with light-colored wood that is much more costly than oak but far less dense.

Further, hickory is lighter than oak. Yet, has a comparable grain pattern and strength. Cherry wood kitchen cabinets are resistant to knocks and marring.


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