Home Decor Ideas

Diwali Cleaning Tips for Homes 

By - October 18, 2024

Among the many Diwali rituals that exist, the one that is most important yet most frowned upon is the cleaning of the house. If not properly planned the annual activity of Diwali cleaning can be tedious and hectic. Cleaning your house is mandatory before carrying on with the decoration of your house for achieving the best results.

During the course of the year, we tend to hoard our homes with things that are not really useful. Sometimes, we might store such things hoping to make use of it in some way and then completely forget about it. This leads to clutter in the home, which eventually leads to reduced space in the house. This is article brings easy and practical home cleaning tips for Diwali, which will help you keep your home decluttered, spacious, and clean.

Get your Tools Ready

For doing any job effectively, having the right tools are essential. Without the right tools, doing any job could take longer than required. Even then, one might not be able to finish the job with perfection. For example, the job of cleaning your home during Diwali could be more troublesome if you do not arrange the right tools beforehand. Brooms, mops, ladders, brushes, and dusters are some of the tools that you should not forget.
Get your Tools Ready

Unity is Strength

The job of cleaning your home could feel a lot tougher and a lot more tedious if you are the only person doing it. Turning this into a group activity could help you finish the job faster and easier. Cleaning is therapeutic. Cleaning your home together could also be a much-needed bonding session for your family. Remember, unity is strength.

Unity is Strength

Cleaning the Furniture

Cleaning the furniture is an important part of the annual Diwali cleaning. During everyday cleaning, we often forget to clean furniture the way it needs to be. Using appropriate cleaning products for different types of furniture is essential for the best results. The dusting of the sofa and couches should not be forgotten. Upholstery in your house should be cleaned appropriately.
Cleaning the Furniture

Cleaning the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important spaces in a home. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most dirt prone areas in the house. Oil and grease quickly get accumulated in different areas of the kitchen due to cooking. Using products that can remove tough stains is a must while cleaning your kitchen during Diwali. You can use this opportunity to wash all the crockery and dishes you own, even the ones that are rarely used.
Cleaning the Kitchen

Cleaning the Electronic Appliances

Electronic appliances need to be kept clean to ensure their long life. Cleaning electronic appliances can be tricky as you need to be extra careful. Carelessness could lead to the malfunctioning of the appliances. Make sure to unplug all the appliances before you clean them. Use a clean and dry cloth for wiping any moisture on the surface. Kitchen appliances like mixers and grinders might require extra attention as dirt and oil could be stuck in the corners.
Cleaning the Electronic Appliances

Clearing the Wardrobe

You have things to wear. Most probably, you have stored in your wardrobe more than what is required. The “I don’t have anything to wear” dilemma is just in your head. Take Diwali cleaning as an opportunity to clear your wardrobe. Donate your unwanted clothes or the ones that don’t fit you anymore to local NGOs. Use Diwali as an opportunity to do something good and put a smile on someone’s face. During Diwali, clearing your wardrobe will help clear the clutter and provide space for your new clothes that you haven’t even bought yet.
Clearing the Wardrobe

Don’t Forget the Curtains

Curtains are often the first line of defence against dirt and pollution. Due to pollution, curtains could get dirty relatively quicker in cities and might require cleaning from time to time. Use Diwali cleaning as an opportunity to remove all the curtains in your home and clean them. Clean and bright curtains add to the positive vibe and overall decor of your home. Do not forget to wash all the bedsheets, pillow covers, and cushion covers during Diwali to achieve the best results.
Don't Forget the Curtains

Get the Windows and Doors

When you get busy with cleaning all the rooms in your home during Diwali, there is a chance you might forget to pay attention to the doors and windows. Doors are the first thing people observe while entering your home or the different rooms in it. No matter how clean and neat your rooms are, an unclean door might affect its overall look. Cleaning the window panes are also equally important. Dirty window panes might dampen the positive vibe in your house. On the other hand, clean and clear window panes reflect a positive environment.
Get the Windows and Doors

Cleaning a lazily designed home is much tougher than cleaning a house that has been planned and prepared correctly. To ensure that your home is not lazily designed, seeking the help of expert interior designers is a must. No matter what your interior designing requirement is, the experienced designers at HomeLane will exceed your expectations. Thousands of families across India have sought help from the talented interior designers of HomeLane to design the home of their dreams. 


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