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Architect or Interior Designer: Who Does What?

By - November 05, 2024

So you’re building a new home, and you will need to plan the interior once it’s done. Which professional should you consult, an architect or an interior designer? Architects and interior designers play roles that often overlap, and the terms are also used interchangeably. You could be forgiven if you’re confused about whom to contact when it comes to the design of your home. We’re here to give you the lowdown on the differences between these two creative people, and help you understand who does what!

Scope of work

Let’s start with the scope of the work that each of them does. Are you building your home from the ground up, and do you need it to be designed from scratch? An architect is qualified to draw up the plans for the building you wish to construct. He or she has a B.Arch degree or any higher qualification, and can work out the spatial construct of your home, in accordance with building rules, setbacks needed and the structural design. In case you have an existing home that requires structural modifications or renovations, you will again need to consult with an architect. 

Now let’s suppose you are buying a house or an apartment, and merely require the interior to be done up. This calls for an interior designer’s expertise. He or she will be armed with an interior design degree or diploma, and can create the interior of your dreams—right from working out the colour schemes to designing the furniture layout and furnishings. The interior designer will work out schemes that speak to your personality and match your lifestyle, giving you the aesthetics and functionality you are seeking. In case you are refurbishing an existing interior, it is an interior designer who can handhold you through the décor upgrade as well.

What skills do they need to have?

Both architects and interior designers are creative professionals, and as such, they require very similar skills. They should have the ability to visualize spaces that are as yet unbuilt, and should possess a powerful imagination and inherent sense of creativity. Both need problem-solving skills to be able to find solutions to work around spatial problems. They should have a good eye for colour, and should be able to judge what will look good, where. As this is a service-oriented industry, they should possess excellent people skills, and should be able to communicate their vision and manage a team of workers.

Additionally, architects should have a solid understanding of building rules and construction mandates. They should build a structure that is not only aesthetically appealing, but is also structurally sound and should be able to hold its own against nature’s elements. A good sense of building mechanics, and a deep understanding of the science behind heating, lighting and plumbing is also required.

The image below shows architects at a construction site.

What are the differences between architects and interior design?

To make it easier for you to understand the differences between the two roles, we’ve drawn up this table:

ArchitectsInterior designers
What do they do?Architects design the entire building. They can work on the exterior (as well as the interior, if it falls within their scope for the project).Interior designers are not qualified to take on structural and exterior building design. They work on the interior furniture, furnishings and accessories and create the complete interior of the spaces. Interior designers can hide the building flaws, if any, and highlight the positive aspects of any building.
Technical aspectsArchitects are well versed in building rules and technical aspects of construction. They have the overall responsibility for the design of the entire building. They will liaise with authorities to acquire the required sanctions and approvals for construction, and will ensure that it is carried out in accordance with the building codes.Interior designers are not required to be experts at technical aspects. They cannot handle any structural modifications and are not qualified to work on the civil modifications to a house.
Project executionTypically, architects are consultants who do not handle the execution of the construction. They hand over drawings to contractors, who will execute the work under their supervision. Interior designers can work either as consultants or as turnkey executors of the project. If they are undertaking the project as a consultant, they will hand over drawings and supervise the execution undertaken by interior decorators. In case the project is being taken on a turnkey basis, they will handle all the work including designing and implementing the work at the site.
ChargesArchitects typically charge between 5% to 10% of the project cost as their consultancy and project management fee, based on the quantum of work involved. In case they are also providing interior consultancy, they would usually charge an additional fee for this.Interior designers typically charge between 5% and 10% of the project cost as their consultancy fee. In case the project is executed turnkey by their team, they might absorb the cost of the design, and will give an item-wise estimate for each piece of furniture and furnishings that they are providing.

Let’s try and understand a few situations where you could require professional support, and we’ll tell you who you should call in each scenario.

  • You’ve purchased a site, and need to draw up plans for a four-bedroom home. 

You need an architect!

  • You are upgrading your kitchen and want to make it an open plan kitchen and redo the cabinets. 

An architect will advise you on the structural modifications (knocking out the wall) and can also help with the interior design, if required. The interior designer will not be able to advise on the structural changes needed but can work on the finishing and cabinetry.

  • You have bought an apartment and need to do up the kitchen cabinets and wardrobes.

Call an interior designer!

We hope we’ve helped to shed some light on the differences between architects and interior designers, and you now know who you should connect with for your home design needs! Looking for the best interior designers in town? Call HomeLane today! 


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