Home Decor Ideas

7 Common Mistakes We Make When Designing Home Interiors

By - April 27, 2024

How many of you have bought home decor items on an impulse? You were walking past a furniture store and picked up a coffee table you like, or picked up contrast coloured curtains in a furnishing store or even decided that a large wardrobe would be perfect to put your clothes into but also, in the case of the latter, the apartment and space were way too small! Everyone makes mistakes when designing home interiors, some more than most.

A majority of us purchase stuff we see but when placed in our homes, look totally out of place. The accessory either looks too large, or garish or hideous. Interior design is all about putting together things that complement each other. Not everyone has an eye for design, but those who don’t can always take the help of a specialist. Interior designers understand colour, lighting, scale and size and unless you have an eye for it, you might end up making one of these 7 mistakes.

1. Understanding Scale & Size

Noted designer, Linda Floyd explains scale as a mix of heights, textures and looks that come together. Accomplishing this in varying the heights of bureaus, furniture and windows are easy, but it all has to come together organically.

Most homeowners make a big mistake in scale. The scale doesn’t just define the size of an individual piece but the space and distance between two adjoining furniture or accessories. The secret to maintaining the proper scale is to put together different items of varying size, heights and colours. At the end of it, you must be able to stand away and understand how the room makes you feel. Does it feel too claustrophobic and heavy or sparse and light? Does a small room feel even smaller or a large room infinitely bare? Interior designers have their main work cut out in design and scale.

scale and proportion

2. Impulse Buys

All of us are prone to impulse buys. Before heading to a furniture showroom or deciding to buy one, have a budget in place and carry all your measurements with you. Furniture placement and size must be planned well in advance and sticking to your budget when you visit a showroom is important in order not to go overboard. Buying and then regretting is the reason why many of us get stuck with the furniture we don’t like but are adjusting with.

3. Creative Collections

Most of us have our trusted collections – stuff we have been hoarding for years that we intend to display as decor in our homes. While some collect keychains, some others porcelain, and the rest, cutlery. Collections by their very nature must be together and there must be dedicated space for this. Placing one dining set in the living room, rest in the kitchen eats a lot of space and creates dissonance with the decor. To display collections, create a bespoke nook or stand that can add character.

4. Hanging Art

Art is an interest as well as an investment for many, something we covet because it adds character to space. Displaying art does great things for the home. It showcases good work, lifts up the mood, adds character and completes the space. Art buying is a skill, and again too much art that doesn’t have a common connection can look fractured after a few years. Hanging art is also a skill because space should be chosen carefully and frame outlines done before putting them up. You can play with size, colour, texture, but put them together on the floor first to see whether they connect.

5. Buy Furnishing First

Most of us begin decorating a home by painting the walls and buying furniture. What we suggest, is to begin by buying fabric and furnishings first. Rugs, curtains and fabrics are easy to decide, more intimate than a room’s colour. Keep a budget in mind, remember the room size, and buy furnishings that you love. You can always decide the wall colour to compliment or contrast with them.

soft furnishing material

6. Add Character

One thing that most of us do is to have furnishings and wall decor that match, and this is often the case when buying everything from a single place. This is also done because it’s easy. If you are someone who wants character, then buy things slowly, over time and watch the kind of difference they make to your space. Character is built by adding quirky furniture, a different variety of curtains, street finds and decor that is attached with nostalgia. All this happens organically, over a period of time and will come out of your changing perspectives.

7. Repurpose Antiques

Many of us are left with furniture pieces that have been handed down for generations and we keep them for their sentimental value. Old heavy furniture, brass items and heavy rugs are used for years together without a change. if you love the piece, then it must be a part of your interior decor, but if you dislike it and are adjusting with it then you must re-purpose or give it away. Give it to someone who might love it as a part of their decor or use the same piece in an interesting way. There’s so much you can do with antiques.

You’ve seen above that all of us make mistakes, some of us realise it and some still wonder why things aren’t coming together. Take your time, learn from your mistakes and move on. If you are looking for a home interior designer to design your dream home reach out to us at HomeLane and our experts will help. If you find this information useful, do let us know in the comment section.


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