When you start doing up your home in your 20s, you probably don’t have a whole lot of cash to spend. You might be living paycheck to pay check, and perhaps you’re just about managing to hold your life together! Some of you might even be sharing your home with friends. Any home décor items you do buy at this time would probably be only out of sheer necessity, and definitely with a firm eye on your budget.
Right? Wrong! We’re here to tell you that there are some items you should own that not just add value because of their functionality, but will also appreciate over time. Here’s a list of home décor items that you must work towards owning before you turn 30!
Habits that you inculcate in your 20s tend to stay with you throughout your life. Health is always an important prerogative, however old you are….and the earlier you start a fitness routine, the better! Investing in a treadmill or a home gym is a great idea, so that you can get your 10,000 steps a day routine firmly in place. Let your mantra be ‘fitness first’, and make sure that you set aside time for the things that really matter.
The finer things in life really do count, and you should start surrounding yourself with beautiful objects when you’re in your 20s. Art has the power to evoke the right moods, subtly infuse creativity in your spaces, and make your home more vibrant and meaningful. What’s more, fine paintings, photographs and sculptures appreciate over time — and if you start investing in art that speaks to your heart, you might just find that it pays rich dividends over time!
There’s a growing trend toward work-from-home roles, and it pays to invest in a good quality work desk and ergonomically designed chair from the very beginning. Sitting scrunched up over a laptop on your bed does terrible things to your back, and even if you don’t realise it now, you will start to regret your poor posture very soon! Never skimp on the price, as cheaper chairs may not offer the lumbar support you need.
Even on a budget, you can surely create a lovely indoor garden in your home! Plants refresh and restore the air quality of your spaces and have the power to enhance your home décor. Start building a healthy selection of plants that will bring the outdoors into your home. You can grow herbs on your kitchen window, create a green vertical garden on the balcony or fill your bathroom with potted succulents. Whatever works!
While we are always willing to spend on furniture and bedlinen, quite often we don’t pay enough attention to the mattress itself! Considering we spend approximately one-third of our entire lives in bed, it makes a whole lot of sense to invest in a good quality, a thick mattress that is the ultimate in comfort, and offers sensible back support too. Look for a mattress with memory foam and a firm base, that is at least 8 to 10 inches thick.
Even if you’re not really the kind who likes to spend time in the kitchen (but especially if you do!) you should consider shopping for good quality cooking appliances. A mixer-grinder for smoothies, an efficient coffee percolator and a milk-frother, saucepans and frying pans, a microwave and a sandwich toaster cum griller are absolute must-haves. Also buy some pretty crockery, cutlery and mugs; unless you’re staying in a hostel dorm there’s no real excuse for eating off (ugh) paper cartons!
Fine carpets are like wine—they only get better with age! An elegant rug or dhurrie has the power to instantly transform the look of a room from pedestrian to stunning, and adds warmth, comfort and colour to your spaces. A hand knotted rug that’s crafted with care will last a good many years, and even if you are paying a bit more than you bargained for it’s well worth the spend. So roll out that carpet, without cutting corners on the cost!
Do you have a hobby, or are you a creative person? Turn your passion into a collection, and build it up over the years. If you travel a lot, pick up craft pieces from all the places you visit. If you’re an avid DIYer, start putting together your best pieces of work. Whether it’s painting that catches your fancy or writing a blog, starting early is always a good thing, as you’ll learn to make time for the important things in life.
By adding a decorative mirror to your space you can instantly make it appear larger and brighter than it is. Especially if your home is on the smaller side, by using artfully placed mirrors you can easily create the illusion of space. Invest in some beautifully framed mirrors that will stand the test of time, and will add beauty and functionality to your space.
It’s never too early to start buying things that can stay with you for years. And there’s no better time than now to do the things that you love! Would you like help sorting out your must-have home décor items? HomeLane can help. Let’s connect!
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