Home Decor Ideas

Here’s How You Can Create a Fashionable Entryway

By - August 01, 2024

Your entryway is a fundamental area that can spruce up your home’s aesthetic quotient and add layers of personal character to the space. Here are four expert-approved tips for laying the groundwork for a fashionable entryway.

Tip 1: Think about the Decor Flow, Logically and Aesthetically

Your entryway holds great importance. It sets the right aesthetic tone for your home. It doubles up as a functional space for storing everyday items such as your shoes, hats, coat, and so on. So, when conceptualizing your entryway, you need to consider the following factors:

  • How and where will you store the shoes?
  • Will you need a long bench or a seating area for the people to sit while wearing or taking off the shoes?
  • Will you need a storage cabinet to keep car keys, house keys, and other items?
  • Do you have the space to add soft furnishings such as a rug?

How you use your entryway will help you to set the flow for your home’s entrance. So, do a little play. Enter your home and see what you’re doing intuitively. Are you reaching out for a coat hanger? Are you looking for a key holder? Make a note of the activities and plan your entryway accordingly. You get the drift, right?

Tip 2: Furnish Your Entryway Right

An extension of the previous tip, your entryway should be functional as well as aesthetic. And one way of making it practically useful is by integrating different forms of furniture–from your seating diwan or bench to your shoe rack and side cabinet, there are plenty of options to choose from. Take a look at this stylish hallway interior that comes with a shoe storage bench, a hanger stand, and a table, and is the perfect example of beautiful functionality at its best.

Tip 3: Dress Up the Walls

If you really want to spruce up your entrance in a BIG way, play with the wall space. The all-white exposed brick look is one for the ages. It is classic. You never tire of the look. Plus, you can play with the shades and patterns by infusing soft furnishings and furniture pieces in varying capacities.

The image above demonstrates a hallway interior that is made complete with a big round mirror as well as a minimal shoe storage bench that’s strategically placed near the brick wall. You can also add a gorgeous floral wallpaper or invest in a high quality light fixture to upgrade the overall look.

Tip 4: Add Colour to Your Entryway

A pop of colour never hurt anyone. If you think adding a bright colour to your entryway can get overwhelming, take inspiration from the image above. The sky blue wall makes the space feel open, airy, and spacious. Plus, the open style shoe cabinet is worth emulating. It adds to the minimal, non-bulky look. The use of a patterned rug and dried flowers adds an aesthetic touch that is unrivaled.

Tip 5: Paint Your Door Exterior

If you live in a standalone bungalow, consider painting the door exterior a sunny bright yellow colour (or any bold and vivid colour of your choosing). This not only makes your home stand out but also adds a sense of depth and liveliness to the overall space.

Remember that your home’s exterior actually helps create the first impression so make it count. You want your home’s character to radiate on the exterior and colouring your home’s entry door is a great way to do so. The brighter and bolder the colour, the more it will stand out. In terms of the door interiors, you can go for a slightly subtler shade. To make the most of this hack, use your home’s exterior colour as the base colour for the accents and furnishings you will be placing inside and let your entryway sing!

Tip 6: Colour Coordinate the Details and Aim for a Contrasting Effect

As you might have imagined, there are a million ways to experiment with colour. You can also go for a darker shade, such as the one shown above, and set your entryway apart. To add a contrasting effect, go for richer and deeper coloured accents as shown here. That burnt orange tool is definitely unmissable. You can also add lively, fresh green plants to lift up the aesthetic quotient of the space.

Typically speaking, shades of blue go well within homes that have wooden and brass accents as well as furniture. Other popular shades include charcoal grey, emerald green, and so on. Finally, remember that when you are buying the door paint, consider the popular door materials such as fibreglass, steel, and wood, and buy the paint accordingly. Additionally, do not forget about the door’s hardware such as the door handle for instance.


Don’t let your entryway go unnoticed. Embrace these practical tips and give your home a killer makeover. For expert assistance, book a consultation with our design team at HomeLane. We can help you set the right tone and mood for your home with a fashionable and functional entryway, without compromising on your needs.


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