Welcome to the world of sofa bed designs, the ultimate solution for homeowners looking for comfort, functionality and style. As small homes become the new urban standard, space-saving and versatile fu... keep reading
We know you have been procrastinating the whole process of renovation for the longest time. Although your home office is in dire need of it, you are worried about the amount of stress and time it invo... keep reading
The 1990's era was all about pop and grunge music, fashionable high-waisted rip jeans, Michael Jackson and Matrix, dial-up internet and Michael Jordan. While we know what were the trending fads of fa... keep reading
Home decor has often been the prerogative of women. Women set up the house, help with design and planning the decor. A home says a lot about its people and the design inputs that have been used. Alt... keep reading
At HomeLane, we support gender equality and salute the contributions of our powerful women workforce. We take this opportunity to bring to the limelight one of our shining stars in Mumbai, Anvit... keep reading
Mindfulness is a phrase that's often described as a way of life. From mindful leadership to mindful dressing, there are many ways it is practised by people. But have you heard about mindful decor? If ... keep reading
Coronavirus has taken the world by storm. With most of the events and travel plans being pushed to later dates, we have no option but to wait for things to return to normalcy. Amidst all the chaos are... keep reading
Decorating small spaces is all about using ingenuity in design, and choosing the right furniture and furnishings. Doing this cleverly will convert a cramped space into a comfortable one. Below are ... keep reading
Your bedroom should represent your style and personality. It should be as unique as you, no matter how big or small it is. Just because you have a small bedroom doesn't mean that you cant go extra-lar... keep reading
When it comes to home design, an expert on our side can do wonders to create the perfect home in terms of style and functionality. However, not all of us can afford one and must rely on our own amateu... keep reading
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